告別生辰 Beautiful City

18歲快樂生辰,阿巴竟然掉下男兒淚──因為成年之後,他將被處決。當年16歲,因謀殺而被判入感化院,等的就是18歲成年之後,法律可「合法地」將他處決。死刑在即,阿巴的好友和家姐四出奔走,盡最後的努力,希望能將他從死神的魔掌中救出,而首要的,便是游說受害人的父母撒銷控罪,但以德報怨談何容易?法律面前不能講心講人情,但講金又如何?導演的第二齣作品已經拍出這樣的胸襟,實屬難得,結局的一抹神傷,更看得人心有戚戚然。Beautiful City,原來是那所感化院的名稱,內裏的風光雖然「明媚」,但外面的世界不是更「美麗」嗎?不一樣的伊朗電影。

‧ 04年華沙電影節最佳影片

The second feature by Farhadi, director of the award-winning DANCING IN THE DUST, BEAUTIFUL CITY is an engaging and complex psychological drama that focuses on the Iranian judicial system and blood revenge. The film opens in a juvenile prison where a sixteen-year-old boy who killed a girl awaits the death penalty; this cannot be carried out until he turns eighteen. His best friend Ala and his sister are determined to do everything possible to stop the execution. For that, they need to convince the dead girl's family to drop all charges. Later they find out, the practical question of money starts to play a role. A strong film, not only thanks to its content but also owed to the two main actors' performances and the wonderful, realistic camera work.

‧ Grand Prix, Warsaw International Film Festival 2004

Oct 6 (Thu) 7:40pm / bc
Oct 10 (Mon) 9:30pm / ifc


伊朗 Iran/ 2004/ 彩色 Color/ 35mm/ 102min
波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Persian with English Subtitle
導演Dir:亞斯格哈法克迪 Asghar Farhadi
主演Cast:法拿瑪士加力比恩Faramarz Gharibian, 塔拿尼阿里杜斯狄Taraneh Alidoosti