伊莎貝雨蓓的每一個演戲細胞,不但活現於電影銀幕,更滲透於每一格攝影菲林上。她的眼神、表情、身體語言,絕對不是一般模特兒所能表達,也不是一般明星相所能承載的,她那憂郁的面孔,藏著萬語千言。難怪不少攝影界的知名攝影師,也愛用鏡頭將她捕捉。這個小型攝影展將展出17位當代攝影師的作品,當中包括Édouard Boubat、Robert Doisneau、Sylvia Plachy、Jacques Henri Lartigue、Carole Bellaiche等人的新舊作品。電影中的雨蓓,我們看得多;要看攝影師們眼中的她,今回不容錯過。

Isabelle Huppert stands out among actresses for her remarkable acting talent and skills, which secure her as one of the greatest actresses in contemporary cinema. Her popularity both onscreen and off has inspired many of the great directors as well as photographers of our time, including Édouard Boubat, Robert Doisneau, Sylvia Plachy, Jacques Henri Lartigue, and Carole Bellaiche. Although she has lent herself to the scrutiny of the lens many times, she often shrouds her vitality behind a veil of melancholy, creating images that offer a depth not found in most celebrity photographs. This selection of 17 distinguished photographs is a rare collection that reveals the secretive soul of this unique woman.
Acknowledgement: Swire Properties

日期 Date: 04 -17.05.2006
地點Venue: 又一城UG (AMC影院旁)
UG, Festival Walk (near AMC cinema)


Serge Toubiana 這位法國電影中心精神領袖、前電影筆記總編,今回將他愛杜魯福之切,轉移到伊莎貝雨蓓身上。零一年,雨蓓正忙於為劇場演出綵排,Toubiana拿著攝影機,拍攝了她在休息室內的排練,隨後更走到街上,將現實生活中的她,點滴記錄下來。點點滴滴,填補了大家對銀幕背後的雨蓓之想象。
(法語對白,英文字幕 / 45 分鐘)

Serge Toubiana, the director of Cinémathèque Française and former editor-in-chief of Cahiers du Cinéma, has taken his camera to look into the life of one of the most remarkable actresses he admires. His documentary captures the tense moment before the performance of Huppertss stage performance, and the regular daily life that Huppert lives in – shopping, strolling along streets, rehearsals, all that little pieces add up to a picture of what is always hide away from Huppert's mysterious face. After viewing this documentary, no one will wonder why she becomes such an important actress in cinema these days. (In French dialogue with English Subtitles / 45 mins)

日期 Date: 6 May 2006 (Sat)
時間 Time: 4:00pm
地點 Venue: bc film library (inside kubrick)