The Girl in a Sake Glass

法國影集《酒杯女人》講述法國男人與中國女人(王欣)的巴黎愛情故事。兩人在中餐館邂逅、當晚做愛,一年半後論及婚嫁。結婚前夕,男人在單身派對中喝日本清酒,竟在杯底看到未婚妻與黑人的慾照。隔天醒來,未婚妻鬧失蹤。中國女人美麗性感,除了抽煙外,近乎是法國男人心目中的完美女神,但她背後隱藏有什麼祕密?她說她是孤兒,是一胎化政策下的獨生女,只有一位女性友人Kim(任潔)。但男人找到她十年沒說話的父親,開夜店的弟弟。甚至她十年前的未婚夫上海富商James Wang也來到巴黎吹皺一池春水。

The French mini-series “The Woman at the Bottom of the Sake-Cup” centers around the love story between a French man and a Chinese woman in Paris. The two encounter each other in a Chinese restaurant, hit it off immediately, and plan to get married after a year and a half. In the stag party before his wedding, he discovers at the bottom of a sake-cup printed the erotic photo of his fiancée. The morning after, his fiancée disappears. She smokes but otherwise she’s perfect. What unspeakable secrets can she be possibly hiding from him? Although she claims to be an orphan and the only child under the Communist one-child policy, he has found her parents and brother. Even a certain James Wang from Shanghai, her fiancé from ten years ago, barge into the already messy scene.


17/5 Sat BC 7:50
23/5 Fri IFC 9:50



In French and Putonghua with English Subtitles

Emmanuel Sapolsky

Stéphan Guérin-Tillié,
王欣Wang Xin,
任潔Corinne Yam