Lao Wai

來自法國的「老外」導演的《老外》講述發生在上海與武漢的中法之戀,證明浪漫愛情並非巴黎專利。中文流利的法國IT工程師大寶(Gauthier Roubichou,浦西之獅樂隊主唱)在DVD店遇見在上海教中文的武漢姑娘眉(韓丹彤)。他邀她去夜店聽他演唱,兩人開始約會。六個月後兩人同居,眉希望大寶能跟她回武漢過年,但出發前一晚大寶竟然醉倒在前女友家。眉分手後獨自回家,大寶帶著吉他追到武漢,落寞坐望長江,老外唱中文歌能否贏回佳人心?

Fabien Gaillard’s Lao Wai recounts a Sino-French romance in Shanghai and Wuhan, which proves that romantic love is universal and not Paris-specific. IT engineer Da Bao (Gauthier Roubichou), a French national fluent in Chinese, meets Mei, a Chinese teacher from Wuhan, in a Shanghai DVD store. He invites her to a club where he sings with his friends and the two begin dating. Six months later, Mei moves in to Da Bao’s apartment and invites him to celebrate Chinese Year with her family in Wuhan. The night before their departure, Da Bao got drunk at his ex-girlfriend’s place. Mei breaks up with him and goes back home with a broken heart. Da Bao takes his guitar and travels to Wuhan, contemplating on the flowing Yangtze River. Can he win back her heart with a Chinese song sung like a chanson?


18/5 Sun BC 8:00
26/5 Mon IFC 9:50



In Putonghua with English subtitles

高飛Fabien Gaillard

郭杰Gauthier Roubichou,
韓丹彤Han Dan Tong