法語對白,英文字幕 French with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Marianne Tardieu
演員 Cast: Reda Kateb, Adèle Exarchopoulos

康城影展 ACID(獨立電影傳播協會)
ACID, Cannes

在電子商場當保安的Cherif (Reda Kateb),對自己的未來欠缺安全感。他來自移民家庭, 渴望過更好的生活, 正準備已不及格3次的護士考試。他前身為「孩子王」, 深受小孩愛戴, 巴士上邂逅學校老師Jenny(Adèle Exarchopoulos,《接近無限溫暖的藍》),Jenny的藝術氣質為他沈悶高壓的生活帶來一陣清風。但商場附近的不良少年每天找碴,為Cherif的工作帶來麻煩。忍無可忍下,他做出一個讓他後悔的決定。電影捕捉到移民力爭上游,卻隨時功虧一簣的不安,為「不安定階級」(the precariat)發聲。

Although working as a security guard at an electronics store, Cherif (Reda Kateb) feels emotionally and economically insecure, lacking control over his career. Coming from an immigrant family and yearning for a better future, Cherif is preparing for the nursing exam he’s failed three times. As a “King of the Children,” he is greatly admired by the school kids on the bus and their lovely teacher Jenny (Adèle Exarchopoulos from Blue Is the Warmest Color). Jenny’s artistic temperament has given him a breath of fresh air. However, the neighborhood kids near the store have been giving him a hard time. To make peace with these young delinquents, Cherif makes a decision he will regret. Insecure captures the insecure precariat existence of these immigrants, who want to progress to a better position while fearing to lose what they have.



9 • 5 SAT BC 9:45PM
19 • 5 TUE IFC 9:40PM