
法語對白,英文字幕 French with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Katell Quillévéré
演員 Cast: Sara Forestier, François Damiens, Adèle Haenel,Paul Hamy,
Corinne Masiero

法國凱撒獎 最佳女配角
Cesar Award, Best Supporting Actress
康城影展 國際影評人週
International Critics' Week, Cannes

年輕女導演的第二部長片,依舊關懷女性的愛情與命運,雄心勃勃地用94分鐘記錄少女蘇珊娜的25年。蘇珊娜與妹妹被單親爸爸一手養大,一天她意外地懷了孕,然而不知為何執意生下孩子,只是新成員為這個家帶來巨大轉變。一轉眼幾年過去,蘇珊娜遇上並愛上壞男孩,兩人無法自拔地相愛。當壞男孩必須離開,蘇珊娜會選擇家庭還是愛人?電影配樂採用恰如其分的九十年代與二千年代搖滾聲響,有英國搖滾樂團Electrelane主音Verity Susman的新歌,也有Courtney Love,當然不能忘了Nina Simone福音音樂版本的《蘇珊娜》。

Katell Quillévéré’s second feature continues her concern with women’s love and destiny, ambitiously squeezing the duration of 25 years into a 94-minute film. Nicolas (François Damiens), a widowed truck driver, raises Suzanne (Sara Forestier) and her little sister Maria (Adèle Haenel) all by himself. One day, he is told Suzanne is pregnant and insists on giving birth to little Charlie. Years later, Suzanne meets and falls in love with a bad boy (Paul Hamy). When the bad boy has to leave, will Suzanne choose her family or her lover? The soundtrack features rock and roll sound from the 1990s and 2000s, new songs from the British female rock band Electrelane’s lead singer Verity Susman, and Nina Simone’s gospel rendition of “Suzanne”.




22 • 5 FRI IFC 9:50PM
23 • 5 SAT BC 9:45PM