
法語對白,英文字幕 French with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Cédric Jimenez
演員 Cast: Jean Dujardin, Gilles Lellouche, Céline Sallette

1975年,發生在地中海港口城市馬賽的真實故事。年輕法官Pierre Michel ( Jean Dujardin,《星光夢裏人》(2012)男主角)帶隨妻子與女兒,從法國東北部的城市Metz來到馬賽,原本負責青少年犯罪的他,現在要面對勢力龐大的犯罪組織。那時候的馬賽拜黑手黨「法國毒網」所賜,成為世界海洛英之都,毒害殃及紐約。Pierre不故自己與家人的生命受到威脅決意扳倒黑手黨毒梟Gaetan Zampa (Gilles Lellouche),瓦解「法國毒網」。在馬賽出生的導演對這座港口城市與律師對決毒梟的故事瞭如指掌,相比起1971年William Friedkin導演的奧斯卡最佳電影《密探霹靂火》,拍出截然不同的風味。

Inspired by a true story taking place in the Mediterranean port city Marseilles in 1975, The Connection (2014) centers around Pierre Michel (Jean Dujardin from The Artist [2012]), a young judge who moves from Metz in northeastern France to Marseilles with his wife and two daughters. He first deals with juvenile cases but is newly appointed as a judge of organized crime. Thanks to the French Connection, a heroin-smuggling Mafia organization, Marseilles has become the world’s heroin capital, exporting heroin to New York. The passionate judge determines to bring down the drug kingpin Gaetan Zampa (Gilles Lellouche) and dismantle the French Connection, jeopardizing his family and his own lives. Born in Marseilles, director Cédric Jimenez knows the port city and the battle between the judge and the godfather inside out, which contributes to a film totally different from the award-winning American crime thriller The French Connection (William Friedkin, 1971).




27 • 5 WED IFC 7:00PM
30 • 5 SAT BC 7:00PM