Local Power Forum


The claim of Hong Kong being a cultural desert is certainly a biased comment. Instead of underestimating ourselves, we shall support Hong Kong’s cultural development all the way. In the field of film production, Hong Kong is blessed with many new talents. This year, we have Tam Wai-ching’s In Your Dreams, and Cheung King-wai’s Somewhere Beyond the Mist representing Hong Kong in HKAFF’s New Talent Award. With Jenny Suen and Christopher Doyle’s The White Girl being the Closing films, Chapman To’s The Empty Hands, and Jonathan Li’s The Brink being the Gala Representation, as well as Chan Tai-lee's Tomorrow is Another Day as Special Presentation of HKAFF this year, audience will be introduced to the fresh local power of Hong Kong.

日期 Date4/11 (Sat)
時間 Time4:30pm
地點 Venue百老匯電影中心4院 Broadway Cinematheque House 4
嘉賓 Guest杜汶澤、李子俊、譚惠貞、張經緯、白海、陳大利 Chapman To, Jonathan Li, Tam Wai-ching, Cheung King-wai, Jenny Suen, Chan Tai-lee
語言 Language粵語 Cantonese
Post-screening Sharing Session

反叛是為了反抗,高唱「金正恩萬歲」、在廢棄大學校園搞band show、用10分鐘唱100首歌的「栗島海盜」,大概是最踩界的韓國龐克樂團。桀驁不馴,全因對現實和體制有一腔不滿需要抒發。細心聆聽他們的聲音,讓本片導演鄭潤錫和研究韓國流行文化學者鍾樂偉帶你認識韓國政治,你會發現栗島海盜不是亂噏。

They rebel in order to resist. Singing “hail to Kim Jong-un”, organising band shows in abandoned university buildings and performing 100 songs in 10 minutes, Bamseom Pirates probably is the most controversial punk band in Korea. Listen to their tunes closely, and look into Korean politics with director Jung Yoon-suk and scholar Steve Chung who specialises in the field of Korean popular culture, you will realise that Bamseom Pirates is not just some young people who rebel without a cause.

日期 Date7/11 (Tue)
時間 Time9:30pm
地點 Venue百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F
主持 Host鍾樂偉 Steve Chung
嘉賓 Guest導演 鄭潤錫 Jung Yoon-suk
語言 Language韓語、廣東話翻譯 In Korean, with Cantonese translation
Mapping Japanese New Wave Cinema: The Lens of Suzuki Seijun


Suzuki Seijun, avant-garde filmmaker and one of the important figures of Japanese New Wave, passed away in February this year. His works often feature spontaneous actions, surreal styles, jarring colours, odd angles and progressive ideas, forming a unique “Seijun aesthetics”. Strong in his personal style and oblivious of audience’s reactions, he faced termination of contract which led to removal of his films from distribution. Though unfortunate, the incident certainly makes his life story even more legendary. What loss did his death mean to the Japanese film industry? Let us commemorate our Director in Focus with screenings and a talk.

日期 Date12/11 (Sun)
時間 Time4:00pm
地點 Venue百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F
嘉賓 Guest資深影評人舒明 Shu Ming
語言 Language粵語 Cantonese
Chinese Animation Pre-screening Tour


Chinese animation has been changing and evolving since the birth of the first Chinese animation film in the 1940s. Early works of Chinese animation often recreates folklores and classic novels with paper-cutting art or an incredible amount of drawings. Using different techniques, Chinese animators nowadays explore a wide range of themes such as mythology, realism, social criticism, and so on and their works will certainly wow you.

日期 Date15/11 (Wed)
時間 Time7:30pm
地點 Venue百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F
語言 Language普通話 Putonghua
New Age of Chinese Animation


This year’s HKAFF highlights Masaaki Yuasa’s animations and Chinese animations. What about Hong Kong’s animations? What roles do they play in the Asian animation culture? What is the future of animations in Hong Kong? Lo Che-ying, Hong Kong veteran independent animator and professor, will share with you his insights and experiences in the field of animation.

日期 Date18/11 (Sat)
時間 TimePart I: 10:00am | Part II: 2:30pm
地點 Venue香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓3610室 Lecture Theatre 3610, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
主持 Host本地資深動畫師盧子英 Lo Che-ying
嘉賓 Guest《刺痛我》導演劉健 Liu Jian
《大護法》導演不思凡 Bu Si Fan
語言 Language粵語與普通話 Cantonese & Putonghua
Master Class: Christopher Doyle X Odagiri Joe
大師班: 杜可風 X 小田切讓


Odagiri Joe thinks he fits the “alternative” arena more, and prefers participating in non-mainstream films with strong styles. Meanwhile, Christopher Doyle often works with indie film directors apart from his long-term collaboration with Wong Kar-wai, and he even directs his own independent work. What would happen when the two important figures of international indie film come across in Hong Kong? What is ahead in their journey of independent filmmaking?

日期 Date21/11 (Tue)
時間 Time2:30pm
地點 Venue香港浸會大學浸會大學道15號校園教學行政大樓 二樓曾陳式如會堂 (AAB201) | Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium (AAB 201), 2/F, Academic and Administration Building, HKBU
嘉賓 Guest小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 杜可風 Christopher Doyle
語言 Language英文與粵語 English & Cantonese
