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柬埔寨首部大型動作片。意大利導演Jimmy Henderson,2011年移居柬埔寨。由構思開始,他便想拍一部困在一個空間的群打片。電影以傳統柬埔寨武術作賣點,動作部份媲美2011年印尼的《突擊死亡塔》。故事講述警隊拘捕罪犯Playboy,點知原來Playboy另有「大佬」,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的大家姐。為免Playboy洩露社團機密,大家姐懸紅追殺他,惹來監獄一片惡鬥,各人對Playboy虎視眈眈。押送Playboy的警察加入戰團抵抗保護證人。最後蝴蝶夫人出手來個突襲!選角有柬埔寨女子混合格鬥冠軍Tharoth Sam和法柬混血特技人Jean-PaulLy助陣,還有前艷星Céline Tran首次拍動作片。電影在柬埔寨大賣,掀起動作片熱潮。
Khmer cinema roars into action with the wall-to-wall brawler Jailbreak, the third feature from Cambodia-based Italian filmmaker Jimmy Henderson. Four police officers are assigned the seemingly simple mission of escorting criminal Playboy to a high-security prison. However, Madame Butterfly, the leader of Playboy’s gang, has caught wind that he will squeal and wants him dead. Confronted with a mass breakout situation, the officers must fight tooth and nail through an entire jail’s worth of assailants plus Madame Butterfly’s henchwomen in order to protect their charge. French-Cambodian actor Jean-Paul Ly, whose stunt credits include Doctor Strange and Lucy, makes his leading man debut alongside local martial artists in Cambodia’s answer to The Raid.
柬埔寨 Cambodia / 2017 / 92 min / 高棉語、英語、法語對白,中英文字幕
In Khmer, English, and French with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Dir: Jimmy Henderson
演員 Cast: Jean-Paul Ly, Dara Our, Tharoth Sam, Céline Tran
Opening Film, Udine Far East Film Festival
Fantasia International Film Festival
19/11 7:40pm ONE