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Taking the top prize at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Yuasa Masaaki’s first original feature film unfolds a magical, pop music-infused fantasy produced entirely in flash animation. After his parents’ divorce, Kai moves from Tokyo to the sleepy fishing town of Hinashi. The gloomy teen’s one joy is creating and uploading his own music, which attracts the attention of enthusiastic classmates Kunio and Yuho. When Kai reluctantly joins their band practice on a nearby island, he encounters a curious young mermaid named Lu whose gleeful interest in his music will turn his world upside-down.
日本 Japan / 2017 / 112 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕
In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Dir: 湯淺政明 Yuasa Masaaki
法國安錫動畫影展 最佳長篇動畫
Best Feature Film, Annecy International Animation Film Festival
3/11 7:40pm ONE
12/11 3:20pm YOHO