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BaiSri,由芭蕉葉製成不同層數的水燈,泰國人用來祈福的祭品。導演Anucha Boonyawatana告別前作《殺佛美少年》的詭譎同性戀,融合快失傳的傳統藝術和絕美的自然風光,呈現一個關於愛情和離別的泰式小品。男主角Shane擁有一片純潔的茉莉園,園中卻隱藏著他與兩小無猜的少年愛人Pitch之間無疾而終的情感。Pitch是製作BaiSri手藝的高手,一直有個心願未了,希望一天能夠與Shane單純地做一個最漂亮的BaiSri。黝黑帥氣的Sukollawat Kanarot首次挑戰同志暖男角色,演繹出不可承受之顛沛流離,用離別之花撫平過去傷痛。
After his provocative directorial debut The Blue Hour, Thailand’s Anucha Boonyawatana takes a more spiritual approach to the supernatural with a transcendent gay romance infused with Thai traditions and Buddhist philosophies. Shane and Pitch were once lovers, but they were torn apart years ago. Reunited years later, the two men revive their love and come to terms with the pain of their current lives through Bai Sri, an elegant traditional ornament symbolizing love and virtue made from the delicate arrangement of banana leaves and flowers. When tragedy strikes, one of them turns to the spiritual world to see his lover one last time.
泰國 Thailand / 2017 / 94 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕
In Thai with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Anucha Boonyawatana
演員 Cast: Sukollawat Kanarot, Anuchyd Sapanphong
New Currents, Busan International Film Festival
*18/11 7:40pm BC
*19/11 9:40pm ONE