New Talent Award
Q & A
Matsumoto Tribe

90後鬼才導演二宮健首次執起導筒,以「波叔式」瘋狂荒誕偽紀錄片,拍出日本藝能界殘酷實錄!空有一腔熱血與肌肉的松本Fighter,一心要在電影圈發圍,成為男優之中的男優。Fighter與經理人滿懷大志到東京闖蕩,卻驚覺演藝圈是個修羅場。寂寂無名的演員們要一登大銀幕,必先過五關斬六將:要生得標緻人脈廣,又要演技出色感情真摯。奈何Fighter無外貌、無才華、無人氣、無後台,兩人唯有出盡騎呢手段,更硬闖《廁所裏的聖殤》導演松永大司選角現場,搏到盡誓要上位,名符其實I'm still 射緊鵰!

Confident that he’s the next great Japanese thespian, Matsumoto Fighter and his manager roam the streets of Shibuya to promote him. When he finds out that up-and- coming indie director Matsunaga Daishi is holding auditions for his latest film, Matsumoto pulls out all the stops to get in. Director Ninomiya Ken began this project as a Borat-esque mockumentary about the desperate measures aspiring actors take to break into show business. But when Fighter and his manager push the limits of their unsuspecting prey a little too far, fiction and reality begin to overlap in disturbing and surprisingly violent ways. Will Fighter finally get his big break, or will his dreams come crumbling down?

日本 Japan / 2017 / 85 min / 日語對白,英文字幕
In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 二宮健 Ninomiya Ken
演員 Cast: 松本 Fighter Matsumoto Fighter, 松本穗香 Matsumoto Honoka, 小村昌士 Komura Masashi, 松永大司 Matsunaga Daishi

*18/11 9:50pm ONE
*19/11 7:50pm BC