Asian Wide Angle
The Carousel Never Stops Turning

印尼獨立電影導演Ismail Basbeth繼《我爸爸是伊斯蘭教徒》(第13屆)後又一實驗性新作,道盡印尼社會各種光怪陸離,冷眼旁觀世間種種貪嗔痴。會計師自困於與亡妻的回憶中,念念不忘;男人與愛車共食同寢,甚至生出愛慾;三個愛唱歌的女孩自駕快樂遊,尋找作曲靈感;妓女終日與富翁為伴,腦中正策劃一場血腥逃離;女人苦苦追尋殺母兇手,卻因一隻孤魂而得到解脫;兩個農夫抗議政權不公,懵然不知危機悄悄臨近⋯⋯導演嘗試各種實驗手法,從車的角度看世界,人世各種悲歡離合原來只是過眼雲煙。

Following a brief detour into commercial cinema with Talak 3, Indonedia’s Ismail Basbeth (The Crescent Moon, 13th HKAFF) returns with this ensemble anthology drama. Told from the perspective of an all-seeing car, the film is a sprawling collage featuring people from all walks of life, including an accountant who can’t let his late wife go, newlyweds who visit the zoo for their honeymoon, three members of a girl pop group who go on a cross-country road trip in search of inspiration, a prostitute looking to escape her current life, a woman searching for her mother’s murderer, and two farmers protesting against their state-mandated eviction. Made as part of Basbeth’s Picnic Cinema project, the film was produced through unconventional methods that include workshops, improvised shooting locations, and crowdfunding.

印尼 Indonesia / 2017 / 84 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕
In Indonesian with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Ismail Basbeth
演員 Cast: Cornelio Sunny, Karina Salim, Dea Ananda, Leilani Hermiasih, Ibnu ‘Gundul’ Widodo

Busan International Film Festival
Tokyo International Film Festival

12/11 8:10pm BC