4th, 5th and 6th Generation of Chinese Female Directors


Hong Kong Asian Film Festival joins hands with the The One International Women’s Film Festival to bring the master pieces of five influential 4th, 5th and 6th Generation of Chinese female directors from 1980s to today to HK. Together with the exchange program, audience may able to learn more about both the films as well as to further explore and understand the power of the well-respected Chinese women.

放映節目 Screenings

陸小雅的《紅衣少女》是八十年代的個性解放的寫照,黃蜀芹的《 畫魂》聚焦民國女畫家自身命運的重塑,李少紅的《血色清晨》把 諾貝爾獎得主馬爾克斯的小說植入中國鄉村現實,李玉的《紅顏》 則刻畫一對如姊弟的母子,劉苗苗的《紅花綠葉》再次挑戰劇情與 紀錄的邊界。幾代女導演,都把她們所處時代中女性的生活與變遷、追求與個性納入視野,藝術風格迥異,人文關懷卻同樣溫暖。

Girl in Red (1985)

導演 Director:
陸小雅 Lu Xiaoya
A Soul Haunted by Painting (1987)

導演 Director:
黃蜀芹 Huang Shuqin
Bloody Morning (1990)

導演 Director:
李少紅 Li Shaohong
Dam Street (2005)

導演 Director: 李玉 Li Yu
Red Flowers and Green Leaves (2005)

導演 Director:
劉苗苗 Liu Miaomiao

紅顏 Dam Street

中國,法國 China and France / 2005 / 86 min /國語、四川方言對白,中文字幕
In Mandarin, Sichuan Dialect with Chinese subtitles

導演 Dir: 李玉Li Yu
演員 Cast: 劉誼Liu Yi, 黃興饒Huang Xingrao, 王乙竹Wang Yizhu, 李克純Li Kechun

威尼斯電影節 地平線單元獎 最佳影片提名 Venice Film Festival

四川某縣城裡,還在上中學的小雲意外懷孕了,她和男孩同時被學校開除,對方遠走他鄉,小雲只能獨自承受來自社會和家庭的壓力、歧視。小雲母親是名小學老師,她告知小雲,孩子在生下的當天就夭折了。 十年後,小雲成了縣川劇團的當家花旦。一天,小雲偶遇了一個十歲男孩小勇,聰明調皮的男孩很快成了她的好朋友。小勇被雲姐的美麗吸引,他每天追逐她、偷看她、甚至保護她。一直被周圍人歧視的小雲在小勇身上找到了純真的友誼和感動。就在此時,小雲母親卻告訴小雲一個讓她震驚的秘密……

In 1983 in China, Yun was a bright school girl who got pregnant. She was expelled by school and her boyfriend left the town. Her mother told Yun that her child was died at birth. Ten years later, Yun is the leading actress in a Sichuan opera group where she meets a 10 years old child- Yong. He chases her every day and even try to protect her occasionally. Yun found love from Yong and in the meantime, her mother reveals the secret of her “dead” kid.

Time & Venue
12/11 9:50PM BC

Ticketing Link

畫魂 A Soul Haunted by Painting

中國China / 1994 / 130 min /普通話對白,中英文字幕
In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles

導演 Dir: 黃蜀芹Huang Shuqin
演員 Cast: 鞏俐Gong Li, 爾冬陞Derek Tung Shing Yee, 達式常Da Shichang

威尼斯電影節 地平線單元獎 最佳影片提名 Venice Film Festival
康城影展Cannes Film Festival



Premiered at Cannes Film Festival, Shuqin’s renowned feature staring Gong Li and Derek Tung is based on the true story of Chinese painter Yuliang Pan. China in the old days was a brutal place for female who could only accepted her arranged life. But Pan makes an exceptional by her own strength. With self-struggle and the help of her lover Zanhua Pan, she is able to control her own life and becomes a renowned painter.

Recognized as the first feminist film in modern China, the director portrayed a strong and independent female image through the main character, who is able to break the patriarchal social system. With the 4K restoration, the film has raised audience’s attention in the Shanghai International Film Festival.

Time & Venue
13/11 9:50PM BC

Ticketing Link

座談會: 女導演在中國
Seminar: Female Filmmakers in China


講者 Speakers:
魏時煜 Louisa Wei, 劉苗苗 Liu Miaomiao, 陸小雅 Lu Xiaoya

地點 Venue:
百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

日期 Date:
12/11 (Mon)

時間 Time:

語言 Language:
普通話 Putonghua

映後酒會 Post-screening Cocktail Party 日期、時間及地點有待公布,歡迎公眾參與酒會。 Date, time and venue to be announced. All are welcome to join.

The One International Women’s Film Festival

國家電影局批復的中國唯一官方主辦國際女性電影展。2017年創立,永久落戶成都。宗旨為聚焦女性文化,助力女性電影創作。影展涵 蓋四大板塊:展映、論壇、創投會、導演扶植計畫。

The only official international women film festival hosted and approved by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China which was founded in 2017 and stationed in Chengdu. The Festival covers four major sections: Screening, Forum, Venture Capital Funding, and Director Support Program.