活動 Activities
前哨活動-幻影波音: 林強現場配樂
Pre - festival Event - Haunting Images:
Live Cinema by Lim Giong


Haunting Images: Live Cinema by Lim Giong is a Taiwan Arts Festival production co-presented by Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center and M+, West Kowloon Cultural District. It features moving image works selected from the M+ Collections; Michael Rogge's short films “Rain” (1952) and “Sunrise” (1953); and Brooklyn-based artist Simon Liu’s 16mm dual projection work “Harbour City” (2016).

林強是音樂人,廣涉歌唱、流行音樂創作、唱片騎師、電影配樂、作曲等領域。他在 過往近30年的音樂創作歷程中,曾與不同領域的藝術家合作,並參與多個國際 音樂交流活動。2017年獲得台灣藝文界最高榮譽「國家文藝獎」。最近活躍於為電 影、紀錄片配樂的工作。

About the Artist:
Lim Giong is a musician, singer, songwriter, DJ, and composer. Over his almost thirty-year career, he has worked with artists in different fields and has participated in various international music collaborations. He was recognised at the prestigious National Awards of Art in Taiwan in 2017. Currently, he works mainly on scores for documentaries and feature films.

日期 Date:
26–27/10 (Fri–Sat)

時間 Time:

地點 Venue:
MOViE MOViE Cityplaza

票價 Ticket Price:
HKD 200
(香港百老匯電影中心會員、MOViE MOViE 會員、學生及長者優惠: 港幣160元)
(bcinephile member, MOViE MOViE member and Students/Seniors: HKD 160)

Napping Kid Talk

推理小說分幾多派別?改編成為推理電影又有幾多過程?比你想像複雜。推理小 說家陳浩基聯同《逆向誘拐》導演黃浩然將分享推理電影的創作過程和其引人入 勝的地方。

日期 Date:
3/11 (Sat)

時間 Time:

地點 Venue:
百老匯電影中心1/F Broadway Cinematheque House 1/F

語言 Language:

Ten Years International Forum

隨著《十年》的成功,「十年國際計劃」將創作意念延伸到泰國、日本和 台灣。每套電影由四至五套短片組成,負責為最後成品把關的監製尤 其重要。今次論壇邀請到「十年國際計劃」各地的監製,分享他們如何 引導創作人的想像力,令不同導演的短片互相呼應,達到計劃中的大 方向——連繫亞洲的將來,對社會作出控訴,警醒當下世人。

After the success of Ten Years in Hong Kong, Ten Years International Project has spread its wings to Taiwan, Thailand and Japan. Producers of this project played an especially important role, as they had to lead a team of 4-5 directors to work towards the same goal while unleashing their imaginations in their own segment. They will share how they connect the dots to present a vision of their country in 10 years’ time.

日期 Date:
11/11 (Sun)

時間 Time:

地點 Venue:
Broadway Cinematheque House 4

嘉賓 Guests:
Producers of Ten Years International Project

語言 Language:
待定 TBC

座談會: 女導演在中國
Seminar: Female Filmmakers in China

1949年之後,華語電影分流,中國產生過幾代優秀女導演。五六 十年代受到觀眾歡迎的王萍、董克娜創造了不少追求獨立的女 性形象。八九十年代活躍的第四代女導演,一度構成八十年代時 最大的女導演群體,其中佼佼者如黃蜀芹、王好為、陸小雅、張暖 忻、史蜀君等,都曾塑造過令人難忘的女性形象。八十年代中後期 登 場 的 第 五 代 女 導 演,如 胡 玫、彭 小 蓮、李 少 紅、劉 苗 苗、寧 瀛 等 人,則更加有意識地書寫女性的成長、友誼與歷史,得獎無數,也 獲得西方女性主義電影研究者的重視。2000 年前後初執導筒的 徐靜蕾、馬儷文、李玉等新生代女導演,在國際影展、票房口碑等 方面都交出了不俗成績。

講者 Speakers:
魏時煜 Louisa Wei, 劉苗苗 Liu Miaomiao, 陸小雅 Lu Xiaoya

地點 Venue:
百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

日期 Date:
12/11 (Mon)

時間 Time:

語言 Language:
普通話 Putonghua

映後酒會 Post-screening Cocktail Party 日期、時間及地點有待公布,歡迎公眾參與酒會。
Date, time and venue to be announced.
All are welcome to join.

期間限定放映 Free Screenings

4th, 5th and 6th Generation of Chinese Female Directors Retrospective

日期 Date: 12-16/11 (Mon-Fri)
時間 Time: 7:30pm
語言 Language: 普通話,無字幕 (紅花綠葉‥中英文字幕)
In Putonghua without subtitle (Red Flowers and Green Leaves: Chinese and English subtitles)

《紅花綠葉》Red Flowers and Green Leaves

日期 Date: 12/11 (Mon)
片長 Duration: 96 min
語言 Language: 普通話對白,中英文字幕In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles
*設映後Q&A with post-screening Q&A

《红衣少女》 Girl in Red

日期 Date: 14/11 (Wed)
片長 Duration: 100 min
語言 Language: 普通話對白,無字幕In Putonghua without subtitle

《血色清晨》Bloody Morning

日期 Date: 15/11 (Thu)
片長 Duration: 94 min
語言 Language: 普通話對白,無字幕In Putonghua without subtitle

香港亞洲電影節精選 HKAFF Selects

日期 Date: 18/11 (Sun), 23/11 (Fri), 24/11 (Sat), 25/11 (Sun)
時間 Time: 7:30pm
語言 Language: 視放映片目而定,英文字幕
Subjected to film selection with English subtitles

平民拆彈英雄The Deminer

日期 Date: 16/11 (Fri)
語言 Language: 庫爾德語、阿拉伯語對白,英文字幕In Kurdish and Arabic with English subtitles
片長 Duration: 83 min

M.I.A.從難民到歌手 MATANGI / MAYA / M.I.A.

日期 Date: 18/11 (Sun)
語言 Language: 英語對白,無字幕In English without subtitle
片長 Duration: 96 min


日期 Date: 23/11 (Fri)
語言 Language: 菲律賓語對白,英文字幕In Filipino with English subtitles
片長 Duration: 99 min


日期 Date: 24/11 (Sat)
語言 Language: 印度語、 岡德語對白,英文字幕In Hindi and Gondi with English subtitles
片長 Duration: 127 min


日期 Date: 25/11 (Sun)
語言 Language: 國語、粵語對白,中英文字幕In Mandarin and Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
片長 Duration: 106 min

時間 Time:

地點 Venue:
Kino @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號香港逸東酒店1樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

所有期間限定放映費用全免,歡迎公眾參加。 座位有限,先到先得。
All free screenings are open to public. Limited seats, first come first served.

阿拉姜色 - 戶外放映
Ala Changso - Outdoor Screening

Aesop誠邀你在深秋的戶外看松太加的《阿拉姜色》,見證戲 中藏人走一趟磕長頭的朝聖之旅,別有一番風味。心事重重 的俄瑪向家人隱瞞自己的病情,獨自上路前往拉薩,她的丈 夫得知後,追上了她,無意間得知她與前夫之間封塵已久的 秘密。俄瑪、丈夫與兒子歷盡艱辛地走到不同的彼岸,主角拿 起酒杯痛飲,但舉杯消愁愁更愁。《阿拉姜色》片名指「請你乾 了這杯美酒」,來到酒吧林立的中環區,與其獨醉街頭,不如 和其他觀眾一起席地而坐共賞好戲。

Aesop invites you to set foot on a spiritual journey with the characters in Tibetan filmmaker Sonthar Gyal’s third feature Ala Changso in an outdoor screening. A woman sets off on a pilgrimage to the holy city after being diagnosed with a serious illness. Life batters her with difficult conditions as her concerned husband follows with their troubled young son in tow. The family is redefined as secrets peel away and new understandings emerge on the grueling spiritual journey.

日期 Date:
15/11 (Thu)

時間 Time:
5:00-7:00pm | 8:00-10:00pm

地點 Venue:
中環百子里公園 Pak Tsz Lane Park, Central

報名詳情將稍後公布,敬請留意香港亞洲電影節的網頁、 Facebook及Instagram。
Please stay tuned for details of the registration on HKAFF website, Facebook and Instagram.

賭城以外 座談會
Beyond Casinos: Macau Local Power Talk

澳門於80年代才真正發展本土電影業,可是因為投資不足、市場狹 窄、缺乏專業人才、發行和戲院播放等問題,電影業一直面臨困境。今 次「澳門影像新勢力」的生力軍:《非法者》導演林鍵均、《無聊戲》導 演歐陽永鋒和《就這樣認識了,晚上》導演黃小雅將分享新一代澳門 電影的獨特之處,以及年輕創作者如何在缺乏資源下突圍而出。他們 怎樣在紀錄老舊店鋪與街巷風情之餘,拍出當代人的所思所想?充滿 濃厚的澳門本地氣息和年青朝氣的分享,令人拭目以待。

Macau’s film industry started its development in the 1980s, yet locally produced films are limited owing to the small market and the lack of investment, professionals, film distribution companies and screening venues. What do young local directors think of the future of Macau’s film industry? Three winners from Macau’s Local View Power initiative, Penny Lam, director of Illegalist, Mike Ao leong, director of The Age of Hangover and Peeko Wong, director of Gin, Sake, Margarita, will share their thoughts.

日期 Date:
17/11 (Sat)

時間 Time:

地點 Venue:
百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

嘉賓 Guests:
歐陽永鋒 Mike Ao Ieong, 林鍵均 Penny Lam, 黃小雅 Peeko Wong, 陳嘉強 Chan Ka Keong

語言 Language:
粵語 Cantonese

1967 Post-screening Sharing Session

由一場勞資糾紛開始,抗爭演變成警民衝突、政治鬥爭,再發展成汽 油彈亂飛和土製菠蘿⋯⋯「六七暴動」距今足足五十年,半世紀以前 驚天動地的大事,今天只得父母輩偶然提及的片言隻語。專業劇團一 條褲製作於2013年開始籌備,2014年8月首演紀錄劇場作品《1967》, 並於2017年10月重演,他們走訪當年捲入這場風暴的不同人士,翻尋 各種文獻紀錄,重新梳理和選材,並透過舞台呈現這段香港歷史。劇 團藝術總監及導演胡海輝將會出席映後座談會,分享創作歷程及困 難,以及對這歷史事件與紀錄劇場情有獨鍾的原因。

This bloodiest violence called 1967 riots shook Hong Kong half a century ago, but its historical accounts are fading away over time. To fill in the blank in Hong Kong history, Pants Theatre Production created a theatre performance, “1967” in 2013. After visiting different people who were involved and sifting through old newspapers, government documents and records, they re-presented this history on stage. The theatre performance premiered in August 2014 and re-enacted in October 2017. Followed by this insightful screening, Wu Hoi-Fai, the Artistic Director of Pants Theatre Production will share the adventure of turning this multi-dimensional controversy into a theatre performance, as well as his interest on such a secreted topic.

日期 Date:
18/11 (Sun)

時間 Time:

地點 Venue:
百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

嘉賓 Guest:
胡海輝 Wu Hoi-fai

語言 Language:
粵語 Cantonese

電影技術工作坊—李相日 從改編哲學到電影美學
Film Craft Workshops - Lee Sang-il From Literature to Cinema


Zainichi Korean director Lee Sang-il is an important figure in contemporary Japanese cinema. Known for his complex yet mature narrative structure, he is a master of adapting literature to cinema. His works offers a critical insight into modern human relationships, exposing the pitfalls of society and morality. As a director who is both critically and commercially successful, he has won numerous awards, including a Japan Academy Prize for Director of the Year. His experience in directing and scriptwriting and his profound understanding on human nature are going to inspire us in different ways.

日期 Date:
25/11 (Sun)

時間 Time:
(《那片蔚藍的海岸線》放映後 After the screening of Border Line)

地點 Venue:
百老匯電影中心4院 Broadway Cinematheque House 4

嘉賓 Guests:
李相日 Lee Sang-il, 陳果 Fruit Chan

語言 Language:
Japanese, with Cantonese translation