電影節目 Film Programme
Gala Presentation
電影節目 Film Programme
隆重呈獻 Gala Presentation
Napping Kid

《點對點》編導黃浩然第二部劇情長片,改編自2013年香港小說家文善在台灣島田莊司推理小說比賽奪冠的同名作品。投資銀行收到一封勒索電郵,必須在三天內交出19萬港幣贖金,否則對方就會公開科網龍頭公司的融資機密檔案。 銀行高層找來前夫兼刑警明查暗訪,調查中發現分析員、電腦部職員等六位下屬嫌疑最大。小說以現實的金融世界作為背景,融合鬥智鬥力和偵探推理的元素。六個看似互不相關的人,被安排到一間套房受全天候監視,困獸鬥大迫供曲折離奇,比飛車、槍戰、爆炸等警匪大場面更緊張刺激,敘事手腕別緻,結局出人意表。綁架肉參不是人而是電腦檔案,勒索贖金也出奇地少,匪徒居心何在?黃浩然想說的真相,當然不止反映社會異象如此簡單。

Four years after the critically acclaimed Dot 2 Dot, director Amos Why returns to the director’s chair with an adaptation of the award-winning mystery novel of the same name. The financial analysis of a Chinese IT firm has been stolen, and a senior executive at the investment bank that wrote it must pay a ransom before the confidential report is released to the public. However, eyebrows are raised when the thieves ask for a surprisingly low amount for the ransom. What are the thieves really after? Why’s ambitious sophomore effort examines the absurdities of financial systems and how our ways of handling money have been changed by technology – for better or for worse.

同場加映: 《搵翻自己》
Screen with: Myself Found

1997年,音樂製作人遠走台灣,離開前把珍藏的黑膠唱片全部變賣。 2017年,他短暫回港,再踏足二手黑膠唱片店......人到中年,點先可以搵翻自己?

In 1997, a music producer sold all of his vinyl record collections before emigrating to Taiwan. In 2017, he returns briefly return to Hong Kong and revisited a second-hand vinyl record store. Is he able to rediscover his true self?

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 98 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕
In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Dir: 黃浩然 Amos Why
演員 Cast: 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin, 邵仲衡 David Siu, 蘇麗珊 Cecilia So, 王敏德 Michael Wong, 朱鑑然 Kevin Chu

Time & Venue
  • *7/11 7:20PM PP
  • *7/11 9:40PM PP
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands