電影節目 Film Programme
Closing Film
電影節目 Film Programme
閉幕電影 Closing Film
Three Husbands

繼《榴槤飄飄》及《香港有個荷里活》後,陳果18年後帶來「妓女三部曲」最終章《三夫》,以一女侍三夫的故事為題材。傳聞在海上被捕獲的小美性慾異常旺盛,年紀輕輕就同侍三名漁民丈夫,早午晚床床激戰,越做越有愛,老中青三代獲性愛滋潤而煥發著勃勃生機,她卻歷盡顛沛流離,抱子淪落風塵。曾被導演婁燁發掘演出《頤和園》的曾美慧孜當上果女郎,肉慾交歡場面揮灑自如。陳果擅長從生與死、性與愛的人性基本出發,挖掘深藏於香港這個東方漁港中的上流和下流,呈現 香港魂被支解分離的苦楚人生。「妓女三部曲」最終回的警示與隱喻不言而喻,引發省思。

Eighteen years after beginning his prostitute trilogy with Durian Durian and Hollywood Hong Kong, director Fruit Chan returns to his indie cinema roots as a cinematic provocateur with this erotically charged drama. In her boldest performance yet, Chloe Maayan stars as a woman who lives on the sea with her three husbands. With an overactive libido, she heartily devotes herself to her work as a prostitute. As in the trilogy’s two previous films, Chan uses the world’s oldest profession to satirise the state of contemporary Hong Kong.

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 101 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕
In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Dir: 陳果 Fruit Chan
演員 Cast: 曾美慧孜 Chloe Maayan

東京國際電影節 競賽單元
In Competition, Tokyo International Film Festival
金馬獎 最佳女主角提名
Nominated for Best Leading Actress, Golden Horse Awards

Time & Venue
  • *25/11 5:15PM MM
  • *25/11 7:40PM MM
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands