懂中文並曾在中國教書兩年(1978-79)的導演Alain Mazars前兩部片《夢中情》(1990)、《我的中國姊妹》(1994)都在中國發生,2000年的作品更大膽處理跨國領養的課題。單親媽媽Anne(Caroline Sihol)帶著十歲女兒(Jessica Mazars)來到中國領養孤兒,深信這個決定對三人都好。她會說中文,但2000年的中國不是她自以為熟悉的中國,而是腐敗、官僚、憤怒的中國。這趟看似溫馨的領養之旅,其實危機四伏。年輕媽媽能否全身而退,重新認識中國、中國人、以及她自己?
Director Alain Mazars learned Chinese and has taught for two years in China (1978-79). Like his previous two films Printemps perdu (1990) and My Chinese Sister (1994), Half of Heaven takes place in China and deals with the issue of interracial adoption in a bold manner. With the best intention, young single mother Anne (Caroline Sihol) takes her ten-year-old daughter (Jessica Mazars) to China in hopes of adopting an orphan. Anne speaks Chinese fluently but China in the year 2000 is not the China she thinks she has known for years. It is a corrupt, bureaucratic, and angry China. Crises, in fact, lie in this seemingly innocuous adoption trip. Can this young divorcee leave China unscathed and further rediscover China, the Chinese people, and ultimately herself? |