葡萄牙長大、法國定居的導演安妮芬婷找來弟弟Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc飾演想當功夫明星又憨笑可鞠的男主角Augustin。Augustin在戲院看《醉拳》偷學成龍工夫,錄下「電影原聲帶」回家練功,還報名巴黎中國城的武館。他有個致命傷,與人肢體接觸就會暈倒,求醫遇上溫柔的針灸師凌(張曼玉)。凌不只為他醫病,還釋放他的情感。Augustin來自葡萄牙,凌為追求自由,從廣東逃婚來到巴黎,愛情在異鄉能否開花結果?杜魯福《隔牆花》、《情殺案中案》女主角Fanny Ardant的友情客串令人驚喜。
Portugal-raised, Paris-based director Anne Fontaine enlists her brother Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc to play the struggling actor Augustin who aspires to be a Chinese kung fu star. Augustin watches Drunken Master (1978) in the theater, learns martial art moves from the onscreen Jackie Chan, and records the soundtrack of the film to play to his daily practice back home. He even goes to a martial club in Chinatown to better his kung fu. But physical contact makes him faint, which leads him to the caring acupuncture therapist Dr. Ling (Maggie Cheung). Ling cures not only his body but also his closed heart. Augustin’s from Portugal and Ling escapes from an arranged marriage in Canton to seek freedom in Paris. Can love flourish in a foreign land? Fanny Ardant, actress from Truffaut’s The Woman Next Door and Confidentially Yours, has a surprising cameo appearance |