Breathless (Ddongpari)

家庭暴力事件,無處不在,香港有家天水圍,韓國藝人楊益俊自導 自演半自傳人生。丈夫誤斬傷妹妹和間接殺害妻子,禍延下一代; 兒子暴戾的個性將一發不可收拾,實行以收數維生以暴亦暴。殘酷 凶惡的面孔下,只是逃不了家暴陰影的靈魂。心靈浪人又豈止一 人,女主角金花雨家不成家;兩位想逃離家暴陰影的陌路人,處處 無家處處家。

Actor-turned-director Yang Ik-june pulls no punches in a remarkable debut feature that has collected many accolades on the festival circuit. Brutish debt collector Sang-hoon’s family was destroyed by domestic violence, and now he punishes others with the same rage he experienced as a child. When he crosses paths with a foul-mouthed schoolgirl going through equally hard times, an unlikely friendship unfolds that changes both their lives. Harrowing yet hopeful, BREATHLESS deals openly with the issue of domestic violence and its destructive effects.

韓國 Korea / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 130 min
韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 楊益俊 Yang Ik-june
主演 Cast: 楊益俊 Yang Ik-june, 金花雨 Kim Kot-bi, 鄭文殖Jeong Man-shik

VPRO Tiger Award, International Film Festival Rotterdam 2009
Grand Prix and International Critic’s Award, Deauville Asian Film Festival 2009


28/10 / 9:30pm / ifc
29/10 / 7:10pm / bc