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亞洲動畫精選 Asian Animation
2/10 (Mon) / 2:40pm / bc    
《藍領老鼠》(李佳穎/台灣/5分鐘) 講生活在社會底層的老鼠,每天在pub彈琴維生,只能與蒼蠅談天。凡事《睇開D啦》(李智皓/台灣/5分鐘)集MV與動畫於一身,以肚皮舞和輕快音樂演繹好心情。《鱷魚先生》(山村浩二/日本/13分鐘)的老鱷魚機能退化未能覓食,竟打自己曾孫主意。台灣馬君輔的《激射美獸》(8分鐘) 及《成人無用》(10分鐘)各自各精采,前者解構了女性從初生、成長到衰老的過程,觸目驚心;後者則藉相片來反思記憶。《母親的故事》(梁罡銓/香港/5分鐘) 寫越洋男子思鄉思念母親,感人至深。《享樂花園》(謝文明/台灣/4分鐘) 叫人大開眼戒,藉15世紀畫家 Hieronymus Bosch 同名畫作,以拼貼方式營造一幕幕性幻想。《夜街小事》(王凱聰/香港/6分鐘)是小手推車和大垃圾車在灣仔陋巷發生的衝突,香港數碼娛樂「最佳電腦動畫」。《手指樂園》(利國林/香港/5分鐘) 講器官族與手指獸如何引發出一連串的怪事。《花開花落》(Gaku Kinoshita/英國/5分鐘)是摘花少年的一厥哀歌,感性動容。(全長68分鐘)
The mouse in WORKING MOUSE (Li Chia-ying/Taiwan/5min) makes a living by playing piano at a pub. Unfortunately, his only friend, a fly, is snapped dead one day. TAKE IT EASY (Li Zhi-hao/Taiwan/5min) delights you with humorous belly dancers and brisk music. THE OLD CROCODILE (Koji Yamamura/Japan/13min) suffers from rheumatism and decides to eat his great grand son. Taiwanese Ma Chun-fu’s ELIXIR (8min) depicts an animated doll who witnesses aging while Ma’s another work LOST IN REMEMBERING (10min) questions memory. SUKKI’S STORY (Thomas Leung/HK/5min) is a love letter to his mom while he is away, poignantly touching. THE GARDEN OF DELIGHTS (Xie Wen-ming/Taiwan/4min), inspired by Hieronymus Bosch’s painting, animates a collage of fantasies. A MIDNIGHT STORY (Antonio Wong/HK/6min), the winner of Best Computer Animation at the 3rd HKDEEA, depicts the conflicts between a trolley and a garbage truck in Wanchai. FINGERLAND (Li Kwok Lam B-ly/HK/5min) is a fantasy of what fingers can transform into. FOR YOUR BLOSSOM (Gaku Kinoshita/UK/6min), a flower boy loses his innocence, lyrical and memorable. (Total Running Time: 68min)