30/9 (Sat) /
2:30pm / bc |
青春,是敢作敢為、衝動幹勁、可歌可泣,歡笑迷惘?本地多位獨立導演,以影像記錄成長印記,刻劃青蔥歲月。《蝴蝶》導演麥婉欣的《八月的故事》(22分鐘),繼續她的特有女性觸覺,將陳慧同名小說搬上螢幕,描述一段在洋服工場裡發生的三角戀(Jan@Krusty+田原+Dean),淡然的情感,由心來聆賞。曾國祥棄演從導之作《周公。解夢》(22分鐘),由國文老師朗讀《周公解夢》開始,走進四個中學生疑幻疑真的夢境,締造夢與預言間的宿命。譚國明的《小琴》(22分鐘),同樣是夏日的成長記事:十三歲的小琴(董敏莉)與鄰家男孩(張敬軒)因大提琴結緣,一首《Lover's Concerto》,奏出一段愛情小插曲。《單車日記》(22分鐘)中的細聰和安仔感情要好,大家都喜歡騎單車,一次交通意外,安仔不幸受傷,細聰對此深感自責,甚至萌生放棄單車的念頭。一輛單車,見證一段純真友誼。(Betacam / 全長88分鐘)
In this omnibus TV drama series
organized by RTHK, up-and-coming local filmmakers get
together to sketch the happiness and bitterness of growing
up. Tsang Kwok-cheung's THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS (22min),
according to Chau Kung, steps into the fantasy world of
four teenagers, blurring the fine line between reality
and fiction. AUGUST STORY (22min) by Yan-yan Mak (BUTTERFLY)
is an adaptation from novelist Chan Wai's short story,
which centers around a complicated love relationship that
transcend gender boundaries. Tam Kwok-ming's MY FIRST
MELODY (22min) is a concerto celebrating the friendship
of a 13-year-old girl and her new neighbor, a timid boy
whose mother has passed away. BICYCLE DIARY (22min) tells
the story of two buddies who are in love with riding bicycles
and how a traffic accident reshapes and reinforces their
ties. (Betacam / Total running time: 88min) |