the World
the World

Chronicle of a summer. Destination: Lisbon, Portugal. A group of the working-class teenagers, composed mainly of the second-generation immigrants, leave their suburban housing projects for a day in the sun at the beach. Alternating between flirting and arguing, the boys and the girls agree to meet up that night. The girls get into a nightclub while the boys don’t. Seeking revenge, the boys decide to convince Eva, the quiet pretty girl who is new in town, to let them spend a night at her place. Shot in grossly black-and-white with largely unprofessional actors improvising their lines, Pedro Pinho’s buzzing day-in-the-life portrait of is both a celebration of the teen spirits and an authentic social commentary on teenagers who are too cool for school and too eager to have fun, with a stylistic approach echoing the heyday of the French cinéma vérité movement.
百無聊賴的夏天。地點:葡萄牙里斯本。一群住在首都郊外公屋區的草根男女,無所事事,決定跑到沙灘找點樂子。男生女生,一時糖黐豆,一時水溝油。剛剛還在你追我逐,打情罵悄,倒個頭來就先則動口繼而動手。鬧鬧哄哄,最後和好如初,約定晚上見面。女生們狡滑,有本事騙得入夜店的機會,男生們只能在外坐冷板凳。心有不甘,男生們決定還以眼色,借意搭訕新來的漂亮寡言女生Eva,希望可以在她家借宿一宵。友情考驗,勢即一觸即發。擅長拍紀錄片的導演Pedro Pinho首次執導劇情長片,加入大量紀實元素,炫目的黑白攝影,抓住了熾熱陽光下青春的靈魂和胴體。聯同一班即興演出的非職業演員火辣男女,為大家帶來一部,青春魅力沒法擋的葡萄牙式「夏日紀事」。