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in the room
*21/11 7:25pm ONE
*21/11 9:50pm ONE
*映後談 Q&A Session

新加坡、香港 Singapore, Hong Kong / 2015 / 103 min / 英語、日語、韓語、泰語、馬來語對白,中英文字幕
In English, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Malay with Chinese and English Subtitles
導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo
演員 Cast: 何超儀 Josie Ho , 西野翔 Nishino Show, 崔宇植 Choi Woo-shik, 金花雨 Kim Kkob-bi, Koh Boon Bin, Daniel Jenkins, Netnaphad Pulsavad

多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival
釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival


一張床,一杯酒,在Singapura Hotel小小的27號酒店房裡,進進出出的是來自不同國家、操不同語言、命運迥異的住客,他們的情慾、思緒和遭遇複雜地交織在一起,愈快樂愈墮落,經歷愛欲、生死、激情、憐惜、殘酷、救贖,種種糾葛的情感構成了命運無常的宿命感。《無限春光27》以愛、人生、性慾為主題,六個以不同時代為背景、但發生在同一間酒店房的獨立故事,各色人物因性愛而連繫起來。新加坡導演邱金海從酒店春光探討現代人空虛落寞的心境,人性的探析中不乏細膩入肉的洞察力,讓觀眾看到最真實的自己。

Inspired by his stay at a seedy hotel in Korea, Singaporean director Eric Khoo spins stories of lust and desire that unfold in a single hotel room over several decades. Taking place in Room 27 at the Hotel Singapura, Khoo’s tales include a British man’s efforts to convince his male plantation owner lover to flee with him before the Japanese invasion, a Korean girl’s unorthodox way of overcoming a break-up, and the final tryst between a Singaporean man and his married Japanese lover. Shot on two identical sets over ten days, In The Room features a multi-cultural and multi-lingual ensemble including Hong Kong’s Josie Ho and Japanese adult film actress Nishino Show.