泰國 Thailand / 2015 / 132 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕
In Thai with English Subtitles
導演 Dir: 納瓦波·坦榮瓜塔納利 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
演員 Cast: Sunny Suwanmethanon, Davika Hoorne, Violette Wauiter, Torpong Chantabupha
泰國電影金像獎 最佳電影、最佳導演、最佳劇本、最佳男女主角
Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Actress, Thailand National Film Association Awards
大阪亞洲電影節 朝日放送大獎
ABC Award, Osaka Asian Film Festival
三十歲 Freelance Designer Yoon,自稱能連續五天不睡覺,面對客人日改夜改,終於工作過度致皮膚出紅疹,健康響起警號,令他面臨事業危機。但塞翁失馬的他遇上年輕貌美的女醫生。女醫生教Yoon重新調整生活,漸漸連他的心也被撩動。到底應該瘋狂地幹活一生,還是痛快地戀愛一場?編而優則導的納瓦波憑《愛情悄悄來了》奪得第九屆亞洲電影節亞洲新導演獎,翌年《瑪莉瑪莉我好開心》(第十屆)亦大受歡迎。獨立電影起家,成功走入主流而不落俗套的當代觸目泰國導演,憑本片橫掃「泰國電影金像獎」多個主要獎項。
After festival-friendly indie darlings 36 and Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy, Thailand’s Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit makes a hugely successful foray into commercial filmmaking with Heart Attack. Yoon is one of the best freelance graphic designers in town. When a five-day sleepless work streak leads to rashes on his body, Yoon goes to the public hospital and meets a gorgeous young doctor who demands Yoon put his life back on track. Based on the experiences of the filmmaker and his fellow freelancer friends, Heart Attack is a hilarious and painfully relatable portrayal of freelance life that will win you over with irresistibly charming humor and plenty of heart.