百老匯院線於八號或以上風球及黑色暴雨警告懸掛時,一般仍會照常營業。In general, Broadway Circuit remains open during typhoon signal 8, 9, 10 or blackrain storms.
於警告懸掛時,如你未能到戲院觀賞電影,你可以於警告除下後三日之內,帶同戲票或購票時使用的信用卡/ 禮蜜卡,到觀看電影的同一戲院票房,更換相等於已購戲票數量既其他場次之戲票。
But if you cannot attend the show, please go to the respective cinema box office directly and present your tickets, credit card or gift card used in the order within 3 days after the typhoon or blackrain date to exchange the same number of tickets of other show as your purchased.
已出售的戲票均不設退款。No refund is accepted.