*20/10 THU 7:40pm IFC
*23/10 SUN 6:00pm BC
*28/10 FRI 7:45pm IFC
*5/11 SAT 3:55pm BC
香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 84 min /
In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles
導演 Dir: 黃肇邦 JC Wong
人,總有必經階段。生死只在一剎間,但老病卻很漫長。然而,老和病都可能有人伴隨在身邊,但生和死就只可以自己面對。《伴生》娓娓道來兩代人對「生與死」價值觀的差異和矛盾。《子非魚》(第十屆) 得獎年輕導演黃肇邦真實紀錄三個家庭、兩代社會的束縛和異同、夫妻間的牽絆和信任。松哥的太太玉梅去世後,松哥的健康亦急轉直下。家人不捨,但反而希望松哥可從打擊中解脫;沛叔擔憂病重的太太,令家人感到莫大的壓力,而女兒亦要為盡孝而放棄個人生活;有智力障礙的慕嚴在兒子兆銘出生後就分離,在確診末期乳癌後,兆銘決定陪母親踏上復康之路。人在不同的年紀,就會有不同的想法和願景。但見證與死亡漸行漸近,到底生命的終點有著甚麼?伴隨著生命而來的關係,又為人帶來多少震撼?
After recording the lives of Hong Kong’s children in Fish Story (HKAFF 2013), Director JC Wong turns his camera to matters of life and death in his new documentary. For two years, Wong documented the lives of three families that are struggling to live beneath the torment of terminal illness. Over time, the subjects begin to rethink their ideas of death and filial obligations over visits to nursing homes, hospitals and even funeral homes. Commissioned by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, this gentle and devastatingly humanistic work shows the importance of love and companionship when we come face-to-face with mortality.
*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend