16/10 SUN 7:00pm ONE
22/10 SAT 3:10pm BC

南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 156 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕
In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles
導演 Dir: 羅泓軫 Na Hong-jin
演員 Cast: 郭道沅 Kwak Do-won, 黃晸玟 Hwang Jung-min, 國村準 Kunimura Jun, 千玗嬉 Chun Woo-hee

康城影展 非競賽單元
Out of Competition, Cannes Film Festival
富川奇幻電影節 最佳影片及觀眾票選獎
Bucheon Choice Award and Audience Award,
Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

韓式恐怖入侵康城,贏得全場掌聲,在北美上映叫好叫座。《半世紀的諾言》影帝黃晸玟聯同影后《被轉校生》(第十一屆)千玗嬉主演,導演羅泓軫蟄伏6年時間,走出《追擊者》和《黃海殺機》 犯罪動作類型,精心佈置一個結合謀殺、鬼神、宗教等多種元素的驚悚寓言。南韓全羅道山中小鎮「谷城」,多人無故長膿包,失去理性弒殺全家,疑兇卻離奇暴斃。情況越發不可收拾,甚至刑警女兒也染上怪病,重金禮聘巫師卻苦無對策。謠言四起,矛頭直指隱居於深山的日本老人。幻覺、夢境與現實交織,到底孰真孰假?怪力亂神,哭聲不斷。奇詭影像蘊含大量象徵符號,結局解讀眾說紛紜,邪惡氣氛卻揮之不去。

A mysterious virus that sends its host into a murderous rage has plagued the town of Gokseong. The police believe that it’s result of eating bad mushrooms, but the townspeople suspect that it’s the work of a strange Japanese visitor. When the virus infects his daughter, a policeman desperately calls in a shaman for answers. The third feature film by Na Hong-jin is a riveting masterpiece that takes its viewers on a nightmarish exploration into the root of evil. A critical and commercial sensation in Korea, The Wailing is a complex and chilling thriller that secures Na’s place as one of the best filmmakers of his generation.