& The Premiere of
The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki
Date 日期 / Time 時間:
08.02.2017, Wed (三) | 19.00
Venue 地點:
Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Rsvp to delegation-hong-kong-events@eeas.europa.eu
Free admission
First come, first served.
Get a chance to win tickets for other screenings of EUFF 2017 if RSVP by 27 JAN.
英國文化協會 呈獻
Producer of Ethel & Ernest, Joint Managing Director of Lupus Films |《Ethel & Ernest》製作人, Lupus Films 聯席執行總監
Camilla started her career as a freelance journalist and moved into TV production as a producer and director. In 2002, Camilla set up Lupus Films with colleague Ruth Fielding. Since then, Camilla has produced animation and live-action films as well as TV series for the BBC, Channel 4, Five, ITV, Disney and Cartoon Network. She also executive produced a number of short films for Channel 4 and the UK Film Council. Camilla produced Series One of the popular CG pre-school show The Hive for Disney Junior; The Snowman and The Snowdog, and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, an animated adaptation of the internationally best-selling children’s book. In 2013, Lupus Films received a prestigious BFI Vision Award. With the assistance of that award, Lupus Films produced the first feature film, Ethel & Ernest, a hand-drawn animated film that was based on the graphic novel by Raymond Briggs. The film features the voices of Oscar® winner Jim Broadbent and Golden Globe winner Brenda Blethyn.
《Ethel & Ernest》製作人 Camilla Deakin 最初是一 名自由撰稿人,隨後投身電視行業成為製作人及導 演。2002 年 Camilla 與同事 Ruth Fielding 創立 Lupus Films。Camilla 為英國廣播公司、第 4 頻道、第 5 頻 道、獨立電視台及迪士尼卡通頻道製作多套廣受歡迎的 動畫及真人電影/系列,並曾為第 4 頻道及英國電影發展 局擔任多齣短片的監製。Camilla 亦是迪士尼兒童頻道 高收視幼兒卡通《蜜蜂家族》首季系列的製作人;她製 作的動畫電影還包括《雪人與雪狗》和改編自世界暢銷 同名兒童故事《獵熊記》等。2013 年,Lupus Films榮 獲 BFI Vision Award。Lupus Films 開始製作長片,頭炮作 品正是改編自英國繪本大師 Raymond Briggs 同名動畫繪本 《Ethel & Ernest》,並由奧斯卡得獎人 Jim Broadbent 和 金球獎得獎人 Brenda Blethyn 為角色配音。
《從畫紙躍至銀幕 — 英國殿堂級繪本大師 Raymond Briggs 名作改編背後的故事》
Date 日期 / Time 時間:
20.02.2017, Mon (一) | 19.00
Venue 地點:
Rm 307-8, 3/F., British Council, 3 Supreme Court Road, Admiralty
Conducted in English. Free admission
Please register at 報名請瀏覽:
Suitable for aged 5 or above
適合 5歲或以上人士
Date 日期 / Time 時間:
21.02.2017, Tue (二) | 17.00
Venue 地點:
Rm 307-8, 3/F., British Council, 3 Supreme Court Road, Admiralty
Language 語言:
English without subtitles 英語(不設字幕)
Free admission 免費入場
Please register at 報名請瀏覽:
Visit www.britishcouncil.hk/programmes/arts/european-film-festival for more details and other exciting activities.