斯蒂芬•茨威格的一生,折射出二戰時期世界文化人的進退失據與苦悲。身為猶太裔奧地利作家,也是二十世紀三十年代世界最具影響力的德語作家。納粹黨當權後,他的書籍先後在德國及奧地利被禁,隨後逃亡巴西,於1942年與妻子雙雙自殺,以身殉道。作為一位猶太裔學者,茨威格終其一生掙扎求索,找尋對納粹德國的正確立場,也夢想在巴西這個平等自由的新世界裡尋求新的生活,但作為歐洲文化精神的承繼者,他獨自淪落在文化迥異的地球另一邊,眼見親朋四散,歐洲原本自由平等的精神家園趨於毀滅,他想堅守的文明卻如手中流沙…… 電影記述了這位作家顛沛於布宜諾斯艾利斯、紐約和巴西的流亡歲月,在一片陽光與鮮花中開始,擷取茨威格在戰火紛飛中與親人摯友重逢的美好回憶,溫情重現他對生活、愛情和文學的無比眷戀,更道出茨威格內心中的對歐洲文化隕滅的巨大失望與掙扎。
Austrian-Jewish writer, Stefan Zweig was the most widely read and most translated German author in the thirties. After the National Socialists came to power, his books were banned in Germany and later in Austria. From 1940 until his death in 1942, he lived mainly in Brazil, where in 1942 he and his wife, Lotte, took their own lives. The film covers the years of exile in the life of Stefan Zweig, between Buenos Aires, New York and Brazil. As a Jewish intellectual, Zweig struggles to find the right stance towards the events in Nazi Germany, while searching for a home in the new world. The film depicts not only some of his memories with his families and friends in the last few years of his life, but also his efforts to keep working in Brazil while longing for his spiritual hometown – Europe.
In German, English, Portuguese, French and Spanish with English subtitles
德語、英語、葡萄牙語、法語及西班牙語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演
Maria Schrader
Cast 主演
Josef Hader, Barbara Sukowa, Aenne Schwarz German Film Awards, Nominated for Best Direction and Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role