在古愛爾蘭,有一個傳說名為《追捕迪爾姆德與格蘿妮婭》。把古代神話化為現代黑幫故事。由艾美獎得主,愛爾蘭影帝Brendan Gleeson 飾演迪爾姆德,一部關於愛、背叛、報復以及慾望的犯罪電影。愛爾蘭首都都柏林的黑夜絕不靜寂。為了和平,Fionn同意和黑幫首領的女兒Gráinne 共諧連理。然而,Gráinne不希望被當成和平的籌碼,在關鍵的時刻,她綁架了Fionn最信任的護衛Diarmuid。但卻害到Diarmuid被當成背叛者,導致他們要逃避整個地下世界的追捕。他們最終逃至西班牙。雖然成功轉換了新環境,但他們又否能安然渡日?
Pursuit is an adrenaline-fuelled crime thriller inspired by The Legend of Diarmuid and Gráinne. Starring Emmy Award winner for performance by a leading actor, Brendan Gleeson, it is a tale of love, betrayal, revenge, and the desire for reinvention. To keep the peace and escape from assassination, Fionn, protector of Dublin’s criminal underworld, agrees to marry Gráinne, the King Pin’s only daughter. However, Grainne has other plans. She wants a new life far away and is desperate to escape this terrible marriage of convenience, so she kidnaps Fionn’s trusted bodyguard Diarmuid at gunpoint. The pair finds itself on the run. Diarmuid is now believed to be the ultimate traitor, who kidnapped Mr King’s biggest prize. The only way for the pair to survive is to work together. Finally, the pair escapes to Spain. A new life and everlasting love seem possible until the past catches up with a vengeance.
In English 英語對白 Director 導演
Paul Mercier
Cast 主演
Ruth Bradley, Brendan Gleeson, Barry Ward, Owen Roe, Liam Cunningham, Don Wycherley, Dara Devaney, David Pearse Shanghai International Film Festival