意大利電影大師馬可貝洛奇奧新作,面對傷痛有五個階段,否定、憤怒、討價還價、抑鬱和接受。每逢處理生命中重大的傷心事,雖然未必會經歷所有階段,但人總會感受到以上的情緒。電影中的Massimo童年時突然失去母親,一直都未能接受,而這份悲傷更在他踏入四十大關時發揮關鍵作用。事業、愛情事事遇上瓶頸,終令他再一度陷入崩潰的邊緣。由康城影后貝妮絲碧祖和意大利影帝華拉里奧馬斯丹里亞主演,亦是導演與攝影師Daniele Ciprì第四度攜手合作。剖開人們堅實的盔甲,深入埋藏心底最敏感、細膩、纖弱的感性。
Memories are a key part of Sweet Dreams, and Bellocchio effortlessly brings to life those moments that are etched in the mind of Massimo: memories of a mother who is suddenly and cruelly taken from him. This loss will come to define Massimo as he continues to wrestle with it as he enters his forties. Starting a career as a reporter, he goes from one assignment to another before writing an advice column. Relationships come and go, until Massimo seems at his wits' end, and then along comes a woman who could be a replacement for his mother. Sweet Dreams is a deep work that will resonate with anyone who has dealt with loss. Working with cinematographer Daniele Ciprì for the fourth time, Bellocchio wraps his film in a delicate fabric of memory while remaining sensitive to the present-day struggles of his protagonist. This is perhaps the most emotional film we have seen from Bellocchio, but it avoids cheap melodrama.
In Italian with Chinese and English subtitles
意大利語對白,中英文字幕 Director 導演
Marco Bellocchio 馬可貝洛奇奧
Cast 主演
Bérénice Bejo 貝妮絲碧祖, Valerio Mastandrea 華拉里奧馬斯丹里亞, Fabrizio Gifuni, Guido Caprino Cannes Film Festival,
Directors’ Fortnight
康城影展 導演雙周
Toronto International Film Festival