繼《愛情中的不可抗力》後在瑞典評價最高的電影,這部勇奪多個國際電影節獎項的處女作,真實反映了08年金融風暴後,瑞典與挪威兩個鄰國之間的國力逆轉。當瑞典一蹶不振,苦於經濟衰退和高失業率,挪威卻憑藉北海石油開採而一夜巨富,23歲的Dino,和很多瑞士失業青年一樣,來到鄰國碰運氣,不久,她找到在前網球明星Steffen家中幫傭的工作。白天工作,夜晚則去酒吧放縱。而妻子在國外忙於生意的雇主Steffen很快與女傭擦出火花,他的女兒Ida,也對心目中的獨立女性Dino產生了朦朦朧朧的依賴和愛慕…… 電影不僅展現國力角逐下個人命運的飄忽與沮喪,更涉及不同社會階層,不同性別身分的碰撞和交流。
The feature debut by Swedish director Sandahl realistically reflects the shifting power balance between Sweden and Norway after the 2008 financial crash. While Sweden has suffered economic stagnation and spiraling unemployment, its neighbour Norway has become hugely rich on North Sea oil revenue. 23-year-old Dino is one of thousands of Swedish unemployed young immigrants, try their luck in Norway. Before long, Dino gets a job as housekeeper at a retired tennis star, Steffen's home, when his wife stays abroad on business. An affair begins between the employer and employee, while Steffen’s teenage daughter, Ida also finds Dino very attractive. The film not only portrays the shifting national rivalry which has not been discussed much in any art forms in Sweden, but also indicates the tension between different social classes and genders.
In Swedish, Norwegian with English subtitles
瑞典語及挪威語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演
Ronnie Sandahl
Cast 主演
Bianca Kronlöf, Henrik Rafaelsen, Mona Kristiansen Zurich Film Festival, Critics' Choice Award, Special Mention
瑞士蘇黎世電影節 影評人獎及評審團特別獎
Chicago International Film Festival, Gold Hugo Award
芝加哥國際電影節 新導演獎
Göteborg Film Festival, Best Nordic Film Nomination
瑞典哥特堡電影節 最佳北歐電影提名