Ethel & Ernest
Ethel & Ernest
AMC PP | 19/2 Sun 5:30 pm*
BC |21/2 Tue 7:30pm

改編自英國著名插畫家《雪人》作者雷文碧斯Raymond Briggs最個人的繪本作品,以溫柔絢麗的手繪風格,細說作者父母平淡而不平凡的窩心愛情故事,娓娓道出英國一戰後工人階級的歷史點滴。在鋒火不斷的二十世紀,猶如一部史詩式愛情電影,故事由1920年父母年輕時開始說起,刻劃他們一同經歷二次世界大戰、見證英國成為福利國家、戰後經濟蕭條及六十年代的經濟復甦等時代變遷。遇到苦困時咬緊牙關,幸運蒞臨時保持謙卑。邀得英國電影學院獎、金球獎得主白蓮達比芙蓮和占伯班特聲演男女主角,令角色更栩栩如生,充滿英倫風味,更不失英式幽默,連雷文本人看罷電影都感動流淚。

Heart-warming, humorous and bittersweet, Ethel & Ernest is an affectionate tribute to an ordinary couple and an extraordinary generation. As well as a timeless story of love and devotion it is also a remarkable social history of the 20th Century. Adapted from Raymond Briggs’ graphic novel, it tells the story of Briggs’ parents Ethel and Ernest over a 50-year period from the late 1920s onwards that encompasses Raymond’s birth, the Second World War, the creation of the welfare state, the post-war age of austerity and the relative affluence of the 60s. Ethel and Ernest accept misfortune with stoicism and are modest when luck is on their side. The voice work by BAFTA and Golden Globe winners, Brenda Blethyn and Jim Broadbent, makes their characters every bit as memorable. Bleythn captures Ethel’s prudishness and her social pretensions. Broadbent voices Ernest in the same cheery and sometimes waspish way.

2016 / 94mins
In English with Chinese subtitles
Director 導演
Roger Mainwood
Voices 聲演
Jim Broadbent 占伯班特,
Brenda Blethyn 白蓮達比芙蓮,
Luke Treadaway 路克徹特維
BFI London Film Festival

* Q&A session with Producer, Camila Deakin
製作人Camila Deakin出席映後談(英語主講)