法國France/1972/105mins/35mm/ 法語對白 英文字幕 In French with English Subtitles
導演Dir: 尚皮亞梅維爾Jean-Pierre Melville
演員Cast: 阿倫狄龍Alain Delon, 嘉芙蓮丹露Catherine Deneuve
In this last film by director Melville, who was already
ill while making the film, Alain Delon plays, for this first time, a law-enforcer
rather than a law-breaker. On an effort to stop a drug deal, police commissioner
Coleman (Delon) ends up in a quiet seaside town where he meets the beautiful
lady Cathy (Catherine Deneuve). Life does not become happily ever after, as Coleman
later finds out that Cathy is actually mistress of his investigation's target.
Jean-Pierre Melville's final project is an exercise in minimalism: minimum dialogues,
short scenes, sparingly used music. Delon's performance is at his most restrained
yet it does not lose its strength.
8/5 (Sun) / 3:50pm / bc
15/5 (Sun) / 5:50pm / bc |