塔利班萬萬歲 Re-inventing the Taliban?

雖受了多番警告,奧碧仍堅持跑到「回教政黨聯盟行動陣線」(MMA)在白沙瓦(巴基斯坦西北部,鄰近塔利班政權阿富汗)的基地,與多位領袖及平民支持者來個對質。及後,她又到巴國另一省份──旁遮普省的拉合爾,探訪當地的回教徒,她發現這裡有「反MMA」的音樂會,還有新潮fashion show!巴基斯坦女人穿上了西洋時裝,婀娜多姿……一個我們從不知的巴基斯坦。


RE-INVENTING THE TALIBAN brings a uniquely personal perspective to the disturbing rise of radical Islamic fundamentalism within Pakistan. In the documentary, Ms. Obaid, despite warnings of the dangers, visits Peshawar in northwest Pakistan, the center of the MMA alliance, to meet with supporters of the fundamentalist movement, including outspoken leaders and ordinary working people. She also travels to Lahore in the northeastern region of the country where she meets with secular Pakistanis who compose the country's progressive Muslim majority, attends a musical concert sponsored by a political party opposed to the MMA and visits a fashion show where Pakistani women wear chic western clothing. A remarkable portrait of people and places rarely seen.
Playing with SOLITUDE OPUS 1 by Iranian most prestigious documentarist Kamran Shirdel. (20min)

‧Special Jury Award, BANFF World TV Festival 2004

Oct 4 (Tue) 9:30pm / bc
Oct 11 (Tue) 12:30pm / bc


巴基斯坦Pakistan / 2003/ 彩色Color / 54min
英語對白,無字幕 In English without Subtitles
導演Dir:雪爾曼奧碧 Sharmeen Obaid