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Madame X

2010年印尼影壇最爆最騎呢之作,易服癖髮型師亞當化身妖冶奇俠,與眾姊姊妹妹站起來,齊為印尼多元性取向發聲!貌岸然政客反同性戀突襲,一眾志同道合的camp友為逃出生天,有同志遭遇不測,有人流落異鄉,亞當卻遇上舞林高手,誓要施展「舞」功打倒惡權,重獲自由。導演勒基右斯旺迪突破舊作傳統框框,不止借反同性戀、武力搞抗爭過橋,還惡搞政治挑戰權威,影像大玩華麗妖艷,連動作也浮誇過人,結果未公映已引來連番注目,令印尼片在亞洲電影大獎中光芒四射。   Meet MADAME X, transgender superhero extraordinaire and now the star of her own soon-to-be cult movie! After suffering at the hands of the criminally homophobic political party Bogem, effeminate hairdresser Adam (Amink) is taken in by a kindly old couple who teach him the butt-kicking power of the Lenggok dance. Now armed with high-tech gadgets, platform heels and a tight black catsuit, Adam fights intolerance and bad taste as the fabulous, super-progressive protector of diversity Madame X! As entertaining as it is off-color, MADAME X combines trashy comedy, superhero action and socially-conscious satire into a zany genre mash-up like no other.
印尼 Indonesia / 2010 / 100min / 彩色
印尼語對白,英文字幕In Indonesian with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 勒基右斯旺迪Lucky Kuswandi
主演 Cast: Amink, Marcell Siahaan, Shanty
Official Selection, Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival 2011
3/11 | 9:50pm | bc
5/11 | 9:50pm | IFC