吉他手Hafiz、胡琴Ka hoe同時愛上了氣質女生茉莉,在才藝比賽中自彈自唱,透過音樂向伊人表達愛意;茉莉卻只希望唸詩
Students from three families of different ethnicities compete in an
inter-school talent show, but the days leading up to the contest are
even more dramatic, the rehearsals and preparations revealing the
students’ jealousy, ambition, hope and despair. An interracial romance,
class differences and even possible tragedy concern these would-be
performers, with everything set to climax in a final evening of musical
performances and untold possibilities. A fitting swansong for the late
Yasmin Ahmad, TALENTIME confirms the universal themes, abundant
humanity and belief in love that so informed the director’s works.
馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 120 min
馬來語、坦米爾語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Malay, Tamil, English with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 雅絲敏阿莫 Yasmin Ahmad
主演 Cast: Mahesh Jugal Kishor, Mohd Syafe Naswip