
雅絲敏˙阿莫首部劇情長片,取材自她雙親的生命故事。一對 老夫妻退休後打算從城市搬回鄉郊繼承村屋,老太太精力充沛 又精靈,丈夫卻視力不好,遭鄰居誤會。導演以一對恩愛老夫 妻的奇趣經歷,透過幽默的對白,探討大馬多元種族和貧富城 鄉的社會問題,首作題材大膽又不落俗套,拍出繽紛細膩的大 馬浮世繪,獲得當地觀眾的共鳴。

The first feature from Yasmin Ahmad, RABUN sparkles with the late filmmaker’s celebrated talent for humor and heart. Couple Pak Atam and Mak Inom are in their sixties, but the two share a passion and joy for life that belies their age. The two inherit a house in the country, and look forward to retiring away from the unfriendly city. Despite Pak Atam’s failing eyesight, he makes frequent trips to fix up the house with his wife. However, the countryside may be less friendly than advertised…

馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2003 / 彩色 Colour / 90 min
馬來語對白,英文字幕 In Malay with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 雅絲敏阿莫 Yasmin Ahmad
主演 Cast: M. Rajoli, Kartina Aziz

19/10 / 9:50pm / ifc
29/10 / 8:10pm / ifc