Behind the Walls
(Derrière les murs)
The first French horror film in 3D is more elegantly classic than horrifying. In 1922, Parisian novelist and bereaved mother Suzanne (Laetitia Casta) retreats to an idyllic village to seek serenity and inspiration. She makes friends with a local girl Valentine, who lost her mother, and begins her writing binge after she has chanced upon a sealed-up space behind the walls. Valentine, however, vanishes into thin air.
法國第一部3D恐怖片古典優雅更勝驚悚。1922年巴黎作家Suzanne (Laetitia Casta)痛失愛女來到鄉村避世寫作,與失去母親的女孩Valentine做伴。無意間發現地下室牆後封住的空間讓她文思泉湧,瘋狂寫作。Valentine卻失蹤了。一個地下密室,一個迷思,一個女作家與一個小孤女,交織成一個像霧又像花,疑幻疑真的幽怨故事,時而驚嚇,時而陰森,究竟這是不可告人的秘密,還是純屬虛構、劇情需要? 感情的陰溝,愈行愈泥足深陷。