Introduction 序言

A Touch of Madness - The 20’s

In France the 1920’s are called the “crazy years”. It was then, during the merriment of post-World War I, that the French, and in particular, Parisians, adopted the phrase “Carpe Diem” (seize the day). The 1920’s represent the true expression of freedom, liberalization, creation and cultural cornucopia of France; women cut their hair and their skirts, jazz was de rigueur, cultural circles boomed and modernity was on the rise.

To pay tribute to one of the most exciting and creative times in France, this year’s cinema programme comprises two halves: One showcases masterpieces from the 1920’s. Some of these are shown as they were meant to be seen at that time (accompanied by live music), others have been restored to their former shine by the latest in state-of-the-art technology, a few are testimony to the art of excellent preservation, which has kept these rare pieces filmed between the wars in a condition that still allows viewing some 80 years later, and many have never been shown in Hong Kong.

The other half is a presentation of modern-day films that take place in France during the 1920’s. Paris is revisited in Coco Chanel And Igor Stravinsky, and La Vie en Rose starring the magnificent Edith Piaf. Set in French Indochina, forbidden romance creates the drama in The Lover by Jean-Jacques Annaud and a unique documentary explores what it was like during the concession in Shanghai: Shanghai, the Roaring 20’s.

The French countryside features in Jean de Florette, Manon of the Spring both by director Claude Berri and Therese Desqueyroux, the last film from director Claude Miller before he passed away last year with the unforgettable Audrey Tautou. The film was first presented at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012, and this is its Hong Kong premiere.

A dazzling cast sing their hearts out in the musical Not on the Lips by Alain Resnais. There are also special screenings for young audiences that include Belleville Rendez-Vous by master of animation, Sylvain Chaumet, and Tintin in its unmissable medium-length animation version.



爲了向法國這個充滿最刺激及最具創意的年代之一致敬, 本年的電影節目分為兩部份:一部份特別放映二十年代的傑作。 其中有些是按當時的觀影習慣放映(由現場音樂伴奏),有些運用先進修復技術使之恢復 當年的明亮質感,還有幾部在兩戰期間拍攝的難得作品, 則被保存完好,以至即使約八十年後, 這些在兩戰期間拍攝的難得作品,仍可拿出來與觀眾見面。 這些電影,當中不少均從未在香港放映。 另一部份則選映以法國二十年代為背景的當代電影。


法國的田園景色,可在下列三部影片中欣賞到:克勞德•貝利執導的《戀戀山城》《恩怨情天》。還有去年過世的導演克勞德•米勒的遺作《Therese Desqueyroux》,該片2012年在康城影展首映,今次則是香港首映。

至於阿倫•雷奈的歌舞片《嚴禁嘴對嘴》,多位耀眼明星在此大展歌喉。另外還有特別為年輕觀眾而設的影片,包括動畫片《瘋狂約會美麗都》(由動畫大師Sylvain Chaumet執導)及《丁丁歷險記》