Melo is a shorthand for Melodrame [melodrama], whose etymology suggests a melding of melody and drama. When Alain Resnais put Henri Bernstein’s 1929 theatrical piece on screen, the ravishing intertwining melodies of violin and piano from Brahms’s Violin Sonata in G major, Op. 78 become entangled in the friendship and passion of our four protagonists. Marcel (André Dussollier) and Pierre (Pierre Arditi) have been friends since they played Brahms’s Violin Sonata at the conservatory. Marcel launched a successful concert career afterwards while Pierre married the beautiful pianist Romaine (Sabine Azéma) settling down in suburban Paris. During one garden dinner chat in 1926, Romaine falls hopelessly in love with the sadness of her husband’s best friend Marcel, harking back to the love triangle of Brahms, Schumann, and Clara half a century ago. This time the passionate Fanny Ardant from Truffaut’s 1981 film The Woman Next Door plays Romaine’s cousin, a patient and devoted nurse to Pierre.
通俗劇(melodrama)可以有不通俗的旋律(melody),將 Henri Bernstein 1929年話劇搬上銀幕的《淡淡哀愁》(Melo)便以布拉姆斯G大調小提琴奏鳴曲(1879)貫穿雙生雙旦的熾烈愛情。Marcel(André Dussollier)與Pierre(Pierre Arditi)同是音樂學院主修小提琴的老同學,Marcel展開成功但居無定所的獨奏事業,Pierre娶得美嬌娘鋼琴家Romaine(Sabine Azéma)享受巴黎郊區的家居生活。1926年三人晚餐聊天中,Romaine愛上丈夫好友Marcel的憂傷,與半世紀前布拉姆斯、舒曼、克拉拉三人遙相呼應。1981年在杜魯福《隔牆花》中陷入三角狂戀的Fanny Ardant破格演出溫良賢淑的女性。