Not on the Lips
(Pas sur la bouche)
A delightful “sound, talking, and singing motion picture,” this operatta musical begins on an autumn afternoon in 1925. The beautiful Gilberte Valantray (Sabine Azéma) flirts with her admirers but loves her husband Georges (Pierre Arditi). Georges knows nothing about her first husband Eric Thomson, an American she married in Chicago without authentication by the French consul. What’s going to happen when Eric Thomson is invited home for dinner because Georges is about to sign a business deal with him?
這部發生在 1925 年秋天午後的歡快輕歌劇有幽默對白與動聽歌唱。美麗人妻 Gilberte Valantray (Sabine Azéma) 享受跟仰慕者打情罵俏,同時深愛丈夫 Georges (Pierre Arditi)。Georges不曉得她在芝加哥曾經跟美國人 Eric Thomson 結過婚,因為當時忘了在法國使館註冊。當 Eric Thomson 受 Georges 之邀共進晚 餐,兩人即將簽約時會產生甚麼「化學變化」? 法國版的《萬花嬉春》再加活地阿倫 式的妙語連珠,不過這回是唱出來的對白,比《星光夢裏人》更具娛樂性,再次證明 雷奈這位法國新浪潮猛將果然技高一籌。