The Blood of a Poet
(Le sang d'un poète)


An incontrovertible masterpiece of avant-garde, if not surrealist, cinema from the beginning of the sound era, then-amateur Cocteau’s The Blood of a Poet creates the cinema of poets/poetry and constitutes an hour spent in another world. The half-naked poet (Enrique Rivero) draws a face on a white canvas. The mouth starts to move its lips so the poet tries to wipe it away. The mouth takes on life in his right palm. The poet smothers a statue (Lee Miller) of a woman without arms with his right palm and inadvertently wakes it to life. The statue suggests that he go into a mirror. The mirror leads him to a hotel corridor where he peeps into keyholes and shoots himself. The poet smashes the statue and is transformed into a statue. The poet as a boy is struck dead in a snowball fight. The poet plays cards and again shoots himself. Theater-goers in private boxes applaud.


高克多第一次拍電影就拍出有聲片早期前衛電影(如果不是超現實電影)的傑作,創造了「詩的電影」,建構出一小時半夢半醒的潛意識世界。半裸的詩人(Enrique Rivero)在帆布上畫了張臉,臉啓動嘴唇。詩人想把唇抹去,唇卻在詩人右掌開展新的生命。詩人用手矇住一尊無臂女雕像(Lee Miller)的嘴,賦予雕像生命。雕像叫詩人穿越鏡子來到旅店走廊。詩人在鑰匙孔前窺視房內之後舉槍自盡。詩人還是男孩時被雪球擊斃。詩人玩牌,再次舉槍自盡。包廂內的觀眾鼓掌。


    9/5 (Thu) 8:15 pm | bc
    19/5 (Sun) 3:40pm | ifc

    1930 / 50 min / 35mm
    In French with English subtitles

    Jean Cocteau
  • CAST

    Lee Miller, Enrique Rivero, Jean Desbordes, Féral Benga