and a Day

Multi-award winning director Gracia Querejeta returns with her heartfelt family drama that comments on the complex nature of parent-child relations. Single-mother Margo (Maribel Verdú) is at her wit’s end trying to make sense of her teenage son Jon’s (Arón Piper) rebellion. After Jon is expelled from school, Margo decides to send him off with his estranged grandfather Max (Tito Valverde), a retired military officer who now leads a reclusive life in a small coastal town. Max believes he could teach the restless teen a bit of discipline. But it is the tragic death of a young boy in town that finally brings them both to take a hard look at their own demons. Thoughtfully observed and superbly acted, this intimate family portrait ultimately raises questions about parental prejudice, revealing that, sometimes, it is the imperfect adults who might need to learn a few things from the younger generation.
家家有本難唸的經。與單親母親相依為命的叛逆少年終日聯同損友到處惹事生非,曠課惡作劇事少,毒死鄰居愛犬事大。忍無可忍,最終落得被學校開除收場。愛子心切,卻無計可施,決定將逆子送到隱居海邊小鎮的外祖父家,希望這個退伍軍人可以教曉小混混明白紀律為何事。與文明脫節的小鎮生活直教人悶得發慌,外祖父既專制又抑壓的性格難以相處,鎮上只有童黨大佬可以與之同聲同氣。之後卻因一宗慘劇逼使倆爺孫不得不面對各自的心魔和彼此矛盾。說到底,成長這門重要的生命課題從來就不分年齡。西班牙女導演Gracia Querejeta以動人細膩的女性觸覺,深刻地將青少年的迷茫和成人世界的偏見呈現眼前。而久違的西班牙美艷女星瑪莉珮韋度(《衰仔失樂園》),更將作為人母的苦與樂表現得絲絲入扣。
In Spanish with English subtitles
導演 Dir
Gracia Querejeta
主演 Cast
Maribel Verdú, Tito Valverde, Arón Piper, Belén López
獎項 Award
Spainish representative for Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film
22/2 | Sat | 7:40pm | ifc |
2/3 | Sun | 5:35pm | bc |