Dear Friends,
On behalf of the EU Member States represented in Hong Kong and Macao, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2014 European Union Film Festival. This is the fifth time the EU Office and the EU Member States are organising the Festival in Hong Kong. A total of 16 European countries have selected a film to showcase to the public. Audiences around the world have enjoyed contemporary European cinema and we want to present the very best of it to movie-goers in Hong Kong. There is a choice of acclaimed and award-winning films, covering various genres from comedy to drama.
We are pleased to share this unique cultural event with Hong Kong. It was made possible thanks to the contributions from the Consulates-General of the EU Member States and from our local partner, Broadway Cinematheque. Thanks to them, we can again bring Hong Kong film lovers a taste of Europe through the silver screen.
I hope you will enjoy the show!
Vincent Piket
Head Of Office
European Union Office To Hong Kong And Macao
我謹代表歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處各成員國,向大家介紹2014年度歐洲電影節!歐盟及 歐盟成員國合辦香港歐洲電影節已踏入第五年度。我們精挑細選了一系列來自16個歐洲國家最 具代表性及話題豐富的電影呈現給大家。 歐洲電影一向廣受全球觀眾歡迎,其中尤以現代電影備受歡迎,因此我們希望透過電影節把最 好的呈現給香港電影愛好者。電影節搜羅了大量榮獲國際大獎以及廣受好評的電影,內容涵 蓋各類型片種,從喜劇到戲劇,包羅萬有。 我們很高興能夠與香港大眾分享這項獨特的文化活動。活動得以成功舉行,全賴歐盟成員各國 領事館以及歐洲電影節合作夥伴百老匯電影中心的全力支持及參與。感謝他們,我們再次能讓 影迷透過大銀幕欣賞歐洲電影。