A romantic comedy might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a film made in Sweden, a country that has produced its fair share of serious dramas where tormented characters are stuck in eternal winter. And thus, you would be pleasantly surprised and charmed by actor-turned-director Mårten Klingberg’s Cockpit, a light-hearted, cross-gender comedy with just enough of a Nordic twist that makes it a perfect commentary on the contemporary Swedish society that is known for its status of gender equality. Airline pilot Valle suddenly loses everything in his life: his job, his wife, the custody of his son, and his house。 In sheer desperation, this down-on-his-luck fellow made an unorthodox decision by posing as a woman named “Maria” in order to be considered for an airline captain position that is only open to women。 Just when he thinks he can get back in control of his life, his beautiful colleague Cecila declares her love for him, or in this case, his female self…