Just Another Confused Elephant

After a 13-year absence since making his debut, director Menelaos Karamaghiolis’s sophomore effort boldly unmasks a part of the Greek society that is little discussed on the international news. Having witnessed the senseless murder of his foster family, twice-orphaned Jace, an illegitimate child of an Albanian mother and a Greek father, finds himself in the hands of a group of ruthless criminals in child trafficking business, and later gets exported to Athens, Greece, his fatherland. Despite taking a brief refuge in a carnival circus, he is soon thrown into a lawless world of sex and violence, where he is drifting like a fugitive while terror and exploitations become his only destiny. A postmodern update on Homer’s epic poem “Odyssey”, this dazzling, heart wrenching thriller is certainly not just another story of an anonymous orphan who strives for an identity and a place where he feels at home.
時隔13年之久,再次執起導演筒的希臘導演Menelaos Karamaghiolis,將經典史詩《奧德賽》重新演繹,構成一部風格強烈,極具震撼的現代人間悲劇。Jace是一位有希臘血統的阿爾巴尼亞混血孤兒。當目睹寄養父母慘遭殺害後,隨即落入一個,以「輸出」拐賣兒童到海外乞討、買賣器官和性交易等非法勾當的黑社會集團之手。後來,僥倖逃出魔掌的Jace輾轉隻身回到了 「祖家」雅典,先後棲身於馬戲團,及從事色情秀的地下組織,見證了所謂發達社會最陰暗,最殘酷的一面。到底這個飽歷風霜,漂泊多年的現代「奧德賽」,最終能否逃離命運的擺佈,找尋屬於自己的「家人」和依歸?
In Greek, English and Albanian with English Subtitles
導演 Dir
Menelaos Karamaghiolis
主演 Cast
Alban Ukaj, Stefania Goulioti, Argiris Xafis, Ieronimos Kaletsanos
獎項 Award
2011 Tokyo International Film Festival, International Competition
2012 Romania International Film Festival - Special Jury Award
2013 Toronto International Film Festival
2011東京電影節 - 國際競賽
2013 多倫多電影節
25/2 | Tue | 9:30pm | ifc |
1/3 | Sat | 7:10pm | bc |