to Lisbon
to Lisbon

Academy Award-winning director Bille August directs a star-studded intentional cast headed by Jeremy Iron who plays Raimund, a Latin professor from Switzerland whose once well-ordered yet drearily meaningless life is about to change when he boards a night train to Lisbon with a philosophical book, written by the Portguese poet-doctor-revolutionary Amadeu de Prado, that is left behind by a mysterious woman in red coat whose safe he has previously saved. This evocative and nostalgic piece chronicles the intellectual enlightenment of Raimund as he wanders amid the rubble and dust of the Portuguese capital, picking up bits and pieces of the fascinating life of Amadeu who himself is a man of many contractions. And in the process, his investigation becomes a journey to his own heart. Adapted from Swiss writer-philosopher Pascal Mercier’s best-selling philosophical novel, this elegant and contemplative piece of cinema is a testament to the proverb that says, “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books”.
金像影片得獎導演,兩屆金棕櫚獎得主比利奧古斯,雲集歐美影壇巨星的文學電影。獨居於瑞士伯恩市的拉丁文教授Raimund深居簡出,日子過得有規律卻淡而無味。偶爾下下國際象棋,大部份時間卻埋藏在閱讀世界裡。大雨滂沱的一個早上,他在橋上拯救了一個似乎想輕生的女子。然後,神秘女子就不辭而別,卻遺留下她的紅色大衣,口袋裡有一張火車票和一本葡萄牙作家Amadeu de Prado的札記。從來沒有走出書本以外,真實經歷人生的Raimund,感到莫名的召喚,於是毅然放下一切,跳上這班前往里斯本的夜車,尋訪這位曾抵抗獨裁政權的非凡作家與醫生的下落。沒想到,這次旅途將會是讓他重新檢視生命歷程的開始。這部改編自暢銷哲學小說,散發著濃厚的古典詩意,值得觀眾細心品嚐。