You are now about to enter the twilight zone. A nameless woman (Martina Gedeck) is vacationing with her two friends and their dog Lynx at their hunting lodge in the Austrian Alps. Exhausted after a long trip, the woman decided to go to bed while her friends went out to take a walk in a nearby village and never make their ways back. Setting off to go look for his friends, she is suddenly stopped by an invisible and impenetrable wall that separates her from the world outside where everything seems to be frozen in time. Based on Austrian writer Marlen Haushofer’s novel of the same title, this enigmatic modern-day fable tales the solitary journey of a woman confined in a world where animals and nature’s law become her only guidance. Shot in a minimalistic style, this hauntingly beautiful film is full of metaphoric imaginaries that leave the audiences much to ponder long after the credits roll.
在阿爾卑斯山腳下,一間荒廢的屋內,一個無名的女子,歇斯底里地拿着快用盡的鉛筆,在最後一張紙上拼命地寫着,可能是她最後的一句話……那天,她與友人來到山下這個寧靜的山村度假,沒想到,只是一覺後,世界從此不再一樣。朋友徹夜未歸,只留下身旁的小狗。試圖外出找尋,但無論如何聲嘶力竭,鄰人卻仍是一動也不動。再向前行,砰!像是一道無形的圍牆。所有聯繫驟然消失,叫天不應,叫地不聞。就是那麼平凡的一天,世界無聲地一分為二。這部充滿象徵意味,改編自奧地利女作家Marlen Haushofer同名奇幻作品,借用超現實設定,和瑰麗奇詭影像,探索人和獸,以至大自然之間最原始的關係,以女性的觀點,窺視人類面對孤獨的恐懼,和為求生存的意志。
In German with English Subtitles
導演 Dir
Julian Pölsler
主演 Cast
Martina Gedeck, Ulrike Beimpold, Wolfgang M Bauer
獎項 Award
2012 Berlinale
Austria representative for Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film
2012 柏林電影節
1/3 | Sat | 9:50pm | bc |
3/3 | Mon | 7:45pm | ifc |